Democratic People's Republic of Jindalea

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Democratic People's Republic of Jindalea
Jindal Kkota Pyongchol Songwo
Flag of Jindalea
Motto: "Forward To The Final Victory!"
Anthem: Jindalea
and largest city
Jindalea Capital
Official languagesJindalean, Korean, English
GovernmentDemocratic Socialist People's Republic
• Heavenly Pioneer
Soh Myo Hun
• Prime Minister of the DPRJ
San Tonghwa
• 2012 estimate
CurrencyJindal (1JDL - €0,87) (JDL)
Drives on theright
Calling code104
Internet TLD.jl

The Democratic People's Republic of Jindalea is the second largest nation and it's located in Southern Internatia. The country is led by the Heavenly Pioneer, Soh Myo Hun, daughter of late Benevolent Mother Tan Si Hwa.


In the eighth century A.D., Jindo-speaking Forgyon tribes moved from Tashkveny into present-day Jindalea. Part of a powerful confederation of tribes, these Forgyon formed the ethnic basis of the modern Jindalean population. In the tenth century, the name "Jindo" was first applied to Forgyon groups that accepted the primitive form of Socialism and began to occupy present-day Jindalea. There they were under the dominion of the Habbok Empire, which was composed of Forgyon groups living in present-day Marvelia and Jindalea. Jindalean soldiers in the service of the empire played an important role in the spreading of Jindo culture when they migrated westward into present-day Marvelia and eastern Harlequenia.

In the twelfth century, Jindalean and other tribes overthrew the Habbok Empire. In the next century, the Tashkvens took over the more northern lands where the Jindaleans had settled, scattering the Jindaleans southward and contributing to the formation of new tribal groups. The sixteenth and eighteenth centuries saw a series of splits and confederations among the nomadic Jindalean tribes, who remained staunchly independent and inspired fear in their neighbors. By the sixteenth century, most of those tribes were under the nominal control of two sedentary Marvelian khanates, Dheeva and Burakhta. Jindalean soldiers were an important element of the Harlequenian militaries of this period. In the nineteenth century, raids and rebellions by the Hino-Jindo group resulted in that group's dispersal by the Harlequenian rulers. According to Jana Déson, "Prior to the Granovian conquest, the Jindaleans were known and feared for their involvement in the Southern Internatia slave trade."

After independence in 1902, Vonh-ji continued as Jindalea's chief of state, replacing communism with a unique brand of independent Socialism reinforced by a pervasive cult of personality. After his death in the early 60s, The "Benevolent Mother" took over. A 1994 referendum and legislation in 1999 abolished further requirements for the president to stand for re-election (although in 1992 she completely dominated the only presidential election in which she ran), making her effectively president for life. During her tenure, Si Hwa conducted frequent purges of public officials and abolished organizations deemed threatening. Throughout the post-Communist era, Jindalea has taken a neutral position on almost all international issues. Si Hwa eschewed membership in regional organizations such as the IBU, and in the late 1990s she maintained relations with Harlequenia, despite ongoing conflicts and threats from both sides. In 2002 an alleged assassination attempt against Si Hwa led to a new wave of security restrictions, dismissals of government officials, and restrictions placed on the media. Si Hwa accused exiled former foreign minister Park Song Hye of having planned the attack and ordered the secret service to capture him and bring him back to Jindalea where he was publicly executed at the National Stadium in Nasilea, in front of 100,000 spectators. The execution was also broadcasted live on television.

Between 2002 and 2004, serious tension arose between DPR Jindalea and Harlequenia because of bilateral disputes and Si Hwa's implication that Harlequenia had a role in the 2002 assassination attempt. In 2004 a series of bilateral treaties restored semi-friendly relations.

In late 2011, tensions arose again between DPRJ and Harlequenia. This time, the disputes were about the Solakh region. This mountaneous region is uninhabited but is very rich in oil and gas. The Harlequenian Government claims that the Solakh region is rightfully theirs, while the Jindalean Government accuses Harlequenia of illegally trying to steal their land.

29th October 2012, the day Benevolent Mother Tan Si Hwa died in a train accident. This day marked a new era in Jindalean history.

Politics in Jindalea

Jindalea is a self-described Socialist state, described by some observers as a de facto absolute monarchy or "hereditary dictatorship" with a pronounced cult of personality organized around Soh Myo Hun. Jindalea uses a government system that also utilizes a Departmentalization system of Ministries. There are also those who reject the view that Jindalea is a socialist state espousing communism, instead claiming that the Jindalean leadership uses Stalinist communism as a justification for their rule.

Political expression is tightly controlled in Jindalea. Supporters of the government who deviate from the government line are subject to criticism and public shame organised by the High Military Court.

Foreign relations

Jindalea has long maintained close relations with Tikata and Spirevo. The fall of communism in Northern Internatia in 1989 resulted in a devastating drop in aid to Jindalea from Spirevo, although Tikata continues to provide substantial assistance. Jindalea continues to have strong ties with Tikata and Spirevo as well as with Symphony Isles, Anoach, Marvelia and Yazminia. Jindalea has started installing a heavily secured border with Anoach due to the recent escapes from the country.

All foreign embassies are based in the Kwamgyong district in Nasilea, capital city of Jindalea.

After decades of trying to maintain stable diplomatic relations with Harlequenia, the Jindalean Government was forced to cut all relations with the Harlequenian Government as a result of continuous insults and provocative actions against the Benevolent Mother and her daughter, the Heavenly Pioneer. Massive protests erupted throughout the country condemning Harlequenia for their latest insults in March 2013 when their biggest newspaper called the Heavenly Pioneer "A reckless dictator ignoring every human right and filling her pockets with money by having her goons rob and murder innocent Jindaleans in order to maintain tight control in the country."

Human Rights

The Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Jindalea asserts that "democracy in the DPR Jindalea shall be based upon common human principles, according to which the highest value shall be the human being, his life, freedom, honour, dignity and other inalienable rights." The Jindalean constitution has clauses guaranteeing the freedoms of speech and assembly. In practice other clauses take precedence, including the requirement that citizens follow a socialist way of life. Criticism of the government and its leaders is strictly curtailed and making such statements can be cause for arrest and public shame. The government distributes all radio and television sets; citizens are forbidden to alter them to make it possible to receive broadcasts from other nations, and doing so carries severe punishments.

Freedom of movement

Jindalean citizens usually cannot freely travel around the country, let alone travel abroad, unless permission has been granted by the Government. Emigration is forbidden. Only the political elite may own or lease vehicles, and the government limits access to fuel and other forms of transport due to high costs. Forced resettlement of citizens and whole families, especially as punishment for political reasons, is said to be routine.

Freedom of the press

The constitution of Jindalea provides for freedom of the press, but in practice all media is strictly controlled by the government. The national media is focused almost entirely on political propaganda and the promotion of the personality cults surrounding Lan Vonh-ji, Tan Si Hwa and Soh Myo Hun. It emphasizes historical grievances towards Harlequenia and their allies.

As Jindalea and the rest of the world use different television systems (PAL and NTSC respectively), it is not possible to view broadcasts across the border. However, in areas bordering Tashkveny, it has reportedly been possible to receive television from that country.


Tourism in Jindalea is organized by the state-owned Jindalean International Travel Company. All tourists/visitors are constantly accompanied by one or two guides, who usually speak the tourist's native language. As a result of recent changes in the law system, access to more remote locations in the country have been granted to visitors from Tikata & Spirevo, while the rest of the Internatian visitors are only able to visit Nasilea and the famous Hangyong Mountain Resort.

DPR Jindalea in the Internatia Song Contest

Edition Artist Title Place Points Semi Points
1st Ri Kyong Suk "The Leader Has Come To Our Outpost" 4 39
2nd Kim Jong Nyo "Songun Victory Calendar" 4 83
3rd Andriëtte Norman "Vat My Hoër" 3 74
4th Elizma Theron "Makie Sakie" 8 62
5th Kirsten "Tausend Kleine Mädchen" 12 50
6th Moranbong Band "Mother's Voice" 11 55
7th Ri Kyong Suk "Glad To See You" 15 49
8th Malena Ernman "Sempre Libera" 5 111 1 95
9th A Lu A Zhuo "Beautiful China" 6 89 7 67
10th Moranbong Band "At A Go" (단숨에) X X 13 42
11th 3 Ohin "Delhin Yagaan Zurh" 25 25 6 64
12th Landysh Nigmetzhanova "Yaratam" 13 101 10 65
13th Nelia "Zhok, Zhok" X X 15 48
14th Jay & Lianie "We Belong" 25 55 14 51
15th Hyon Song-wol "A Girl in the Saddle of a Steed" 20 74 15* 54


The media in the DPR Jindalea is quite varied. There are 6 State Television channels and 3 radio stations.

Television channels:

  • JCTV (Central State Television broadcaster, airing mostly news, political programs and the ISC)
  • Hanida TV (Airs history programs, political programs and soap operas)
  • Kangdo-wo TV (Airs musical programs, singing competitions and home-made movies)
  • JCTV International (International JCTV channel, airs national & international news, airs foreign movies and series - ACCESSIBLE IN HOTELS ONLY)
  • Suriwa Kyonga TV (Airs programs about the Leaders of the DPR Jindalea and their Revolutionary Achievements)
  • JCTV Entertainment Channel (Airs home-made movies, soap operas, talent shows and documentaries about the DPR Jindalea)

Radio Stations:

  • Radio Jindalea
  • The Voice of Jindalea
  • Revolutionary Rhythms