Ova Anova in the Internatia Song Contest

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Ova Anova
Ova Anova
Participation summary
First appearanceISC 12th
Best result
Worst result

Ova Anova will participate in the ISC 12.

Ova Anova, also known as The Area 41 is a restricted territory. It's a place of The Anovese Event that took place in 1988 when massive explosion could be heard from thousands of kilometres away. Four countries: Jindalea, Harlequenia, Grolskira and Tashkveny decided to separate the whole sorroundings of what is now believed to have been a UFO emergency landing. Inhabitans of Ova Anova consist solely of scientinsts working on secret projects which only feeds the gossips. Anovese people developed a technique enabling them to communicate telepathically - however, if they need to use archaic means of communication, they use a unique blend of Slavic languages.

Very little is known about the political system of Ova Anova. Etymology of its name remains yet unknown as well.