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The massive growth of immigrants experienced over the last decade added to this mixture some different foreign cultures.
The massive growth of immigrants experienced over the last decade added to this mixture some different foreign cultures.
As of 2013, there are around 2.3 million foreign people legally residing in Yazminia, making the 9,5% of the total population. After 00's rapid economic growth, immigration to Yazminia increased largely, and made the rate of the foreign population living in Yazminia 10 times bigger than only 10 years back. The figures are even bigger if we have into account illegal immigration and foreign-born people that have acquired Yazminian citizenship.
Origin of immigration to Yazminia is varied, but is dominated by people from cultural similar areas. Almost one in four (24,6%) foreigners in Yazminia comes from another Internatian country, 20,2% from Central and South America, 18,1% from Eastern Europe, 14,7% from Western Europe, 10,8% from the North of Africa, 4,1% from Sub-Saharan Africa, 2,7% from East Asia, 2,5% from Arabia, 1,5% from the Indian Sub-Continent, 0,7% from North America and 0,1% from Oceania.
By religion, 58,5% declared themselves as Christians, 21,5% as Muslims, 2,4% as Jews, 0,9% and Buddhists, 0,8% as Hindus, 6,0% as from another religion and 9,9% declared themselves non-religious.

===Religion breakdown===  
===Religion breakdown===  
Line 142: Line 150:
| [[Wikipedia:Irreligion|No religion]] || 19,1% ||
| [[Wikipedia:Irreligion|No religion]] || 19,1% ||


Revision as of 01:09, 27 July 2013

Socialist Republic of Yazminia
Socialisma Respubliko de Yazminia
Flag of Yazminia            Coat of arms of Yazminia
Motto: Unu por ĉiuj
One for all
National anthem: Esti glora, nia libera patrujo!
Be glorious, our free motherland!
Location of Yazminia
(and largest city)
Official language Yazminian
Ethnic groups

87% Yazminians
13% Foreigners

 — President
 — Prime Minister
Socialist state and multi-party system
Karlo Marso
Leviĝis Luksemburgio
Popola Domo
 — The Union


 — Total
 — Inland waters

239,676 km² (92,539 sq mi)

 — 2012 estimate

101.0 persons / km²
446.7 persons / sq mi

GDP (PPP, 2012)
 — Total ($)
 — GDP/capita ($)

Increase 1.257 trillion
GDP (Nominal, 2012)
 — Total ($)
 — GDP/capita ($)

Increase 1.198 trillion

HDI rating (2012) Increase 0.899 (very high)
Gini coefficient (2012) Steady 10.1
Currency Yazminian ruble (¥) (YZR)
Time zone GMT (UTC-04:00)
Time format 24-hour clock (00:00—23:59)
Date format dd-mm-yyyy
Drives on the right
Internet TLD .yz
Calling code +43

Yazminia, officially the The Socialist Republic of Yazminia (Yazminian: Socialisma Respubliko de Yazminia) is a state located in the north of Southern Internalia. Its territory extends by the Yazminian peninsula and adjacent lands along the Kamaradas bay coast and the east of the coast of the gulf of Mirela with a total area of 456,282 km² and 41,339,210 people living in. Yazminia borders to the southwest with Dimkarus, to the south with Nicolas' Neighbour and the Land 42 and to the east with Grolskira.

Since the 1992 revolution, Yazminia is organized as a multi-party system while being a socialist state. It is a developed country, is one of the countries with less inequality according to the OECD and it has the "very high living standards" label given by UNDP.


Land of Yazmin or Land of the jasmines, named after Yazmin, heir of Kastelando Crown, and the amount of jasmines that can be found in its territory. (See below)



There are archaeological evidences that the Yazminian peninsula is inhabited by hominids at least 1 million years ago. However, the peninsula enters the writing era inhabited by the Celts and the Diocests, the historical settlers of the peninsula. After the weakening of those peoples due to the constant struggles between, the Roman Empire easly conquered them. During the early Middle Ages the peninsula came the under the Kalifejon Kingdom rule, which would last for almost a millennium.

During the 10th century, a war between different successors for the throne of the Kalifejon Kingdom allowed the small Christian kingdoms who resisted in the southern mountainous region to gain territories. With more equal forces, Muslims and Christians fought for centuries and the Christians gained slowly the control of the peninsula in a process called O Rekonkero (The Reconquest). During the same period, while they were gaining territories, the different kingdoms were being inherited to the the same kings so they merged into bigger crowns. At the end of the O Rekonkero, only two crowns left in the peninsula, Kastelando in the west and Grandvalo in the east, until they united in 1368.


Yazmin, heiress to the Kastelando Crown and Ferdinando heir to the Grandvalo Crown met in an audit in O Mantelo and fell in love, but this love was impossible because Yazmin was promised by her parents to a marriage of convenience with Henry king of the Malsagans, a kingdom located in the northeast of the bay. When Ferdinando acceded to the throne, declared a surprise war on Malsagia, with Malsagia finally surrendering in 1367. Ferdinando marry Yazmin one year later and as a celebration, Ferdinando ordered to plant millions of jasmine plants around the territory and renamed the resulting crown as Yazminia. Nowadays, they are still popularly known by Yazminians as Os Amantos (the lovers) and to honor them every October 9 is celebrated the Amantos Rago (the lovers day), where it is traditional for men giving jasmines to his partner.

The Yazminian crown union was strengthened during the following centuries, but after a diplomatic crisis in 1747 the surrounding countries allied to conquer the peninsula. Yazminians organized gerilos against the invaders and after years of continuous attacks by Yazminian guerrillas and sabotages by the civil population, foreigners were expelled and Yazminia regained its independence. Yazminians took advantage of guerrillas and the weakening of the previously invading powers and conquered the continuous lands of the peninsula along the southeast of the Algasorian bay coast, defining the map of the current Yazminia. At that time the first Yazminian constitution was drafted, defining Yazminia as a unitary country for the first time.

In 1930, early the first ever free elections were held. The Left-Republican coalition won over the Conservatives and Royalists, people after the results hit the streets and proclaimed the Second Republic. The left-republican government drafted a new constitution recognizing freedom of speech and freedom of association, extending suffrage to women, separating the State of the Churches and allowing divorce and stripping the Yazminian nobility of any special legal status, among many other things. In 1940 the nationalists supported by the military and the nobility revolted against the democratic government bringing Yazminia to a civil war. Finally the nationalists with the help of foreign Fascist powers won the war after three years. With Yazminia devastated, the winners easily instituted a represive military dictatorship who ruled the country for more than three decades. The new generations who did not experience the repression of the early years of the dictatorship, began to organize demanding democracy, finally throwing the dictatorship in 1975 the peaceful Floro Revolucio (Flowers Revolution). Yazminia was organized as a liberal democracy until 1992, in which a severe economic crisis led the Communist Party to power. Although the multi-party system is still valid de iure, parties that do not support socialism are banned and persecuted.


Yazminia has a total land area of 239,676 km² extending by the Yazminian peninsula and adjacent lands along the the east of the gulf of Mirela coast and the Kamaradas bay coast. In total its length of the coastline measures 4,964 km.

Unlike the coast, the inner strip is a cold mountainous region. Because of this geography, Yazminian rivers are short but plentiful. The longest of them, the Ibriya just cover 92 km to its mouth in Stelas, but has an average discharge of 2,830 m3/s. The source) of the Ibriya, the Inferon mountain, is the highest Yazminian mountain, having a peak of 3,718 m above the sea level.


Almost all Yazminia has a Mediterranean climate, except the northern part having a Oceanic climate. While the wind from the east, north or west are wet due to the sea influence, the proximity of the mountain system with the sea causes a extremely dry southern wind, especially in the interior of the Yazminian peninsula.

Administrative divisions

Yazminia is integrated by into 31 regionos (regions) which are divided into 95 provincos (provinces). Although de iure Yazminia is a unitary country, its regions have much autonomy so it could be considered a federation de facto.


As of the 2012 census, Yazminian had 24,207,276 inhabitants, having about 101 persons per square kilometre, which means the country has a normal population density. The most population is concentrated along the coast.

Ethnic breakdown

Because of its different religions and regional variations, Yazminia it's a heterogenic country. Depending on the context, Yazminian people may include all persons with Yazminian nationality, all persons that have ancestral Yazminian origin and traditions or it also may be divided into several classifications because religion, langauges or dialects, which may vary depending on the political movement.

Constitution says Yazminia is a "nation of peoples", and although it doesn't enter into the ethnical background, recognizes 30 Yazminian popolos (peoples) based on a dialectal division, in addition to the Rapas, a people of Polynesian origin in the special region of the Pasko Islands. Also, there are peoples with a non-Yazminian origin dispersed throughout the country, such as the Roma people, the Katars that arrived from the south escaping religious persecution or the Buddhists and Hindus that arrived as merchants in the 18th and 19th centuries, although it's difficult to define them because although they kept religion and some traditions, they normally adapted to each region, so are seen by Yazminian state as sub-groups inside the popolos, at the same level than other religious minorities in each region.

The massive growth of immigrants experienced over the last decade added to this mixture some different foreign cultures.


As of 2013, there are around 2.3 million foreign people legally residing in Yazminia, making the 9,5% of the total population. After 00's rapid economic growth, immigration to Yazminia increased largely, and made the rate of the foreign population living in Yazminia 10 times bigger than only 10 years back. The figures are even bigger if we have into account illegal immigration and foreign-born people that have acquired Yazminian citizenship.

Origin of immigration to Yazminia is varied, but is dominated by people from cultural similar areas. Almost one in four (24,6%) foreigners in Yazminia comes from another Internatian country, 20,2% from Central and South America, 18,1% from Eastern Europe, 14,7% from Western Europe, 10,8% from the North of Africa, 4,1% from Sub-Saharan Africa, 2,7% from East Asia, 2,5% from Arabia, 1,5% from the Indian Sub-Continent, 0,7% from North America and 0,1% from Oceania.

By religion, 58,5% declared themselves as Christians, 21,5% as Muslims, 2,4% as Jews, 0,9% and Buddhists, 0,8% as Hindus, 6,0% as from another religion and 9,9% declared themselves non-religious.

Religion breakdown

The although the state is secular, the Yazminian constitution recognize Christianism, Islam and Judaism as own and Katarism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Paskian Animism as part of Yazminian cultural heritage.

Religion Religious Ethnic
Muslisms 11,5% 13,6%
Jewish 3,5% 4,7%
Katars and neo-paganism 0,8% 0,4%
Buddhism 0,5% 0,8%
Hinduism 0,4% 0,6%
Animism 0,1% 0,1%
Other 3,9%
No religion 19,1%


Yazminian is the official State language. It's a constructed language based on the different languages and dialects. It was created on the mid-18th century, when Yazminia became an unitary State. It's mostly used for national issues and interregional communication. It's also used in Yazminian colonies, and it's also the form taught to foreigners.

There are also 31 regional dialects, grouped linguistically into 10 families. Those so-called families are recognized by linguists as lenguages on their own, and those dialects as variants of them.

Due to immigration many foreign languages are also spoken natively inside Yazminia.


The Yazminian public education it's divided universities, high schools, elementary schools, preschool classes and kindergartens. Universities are operated by the State, high schools by the regions and elementary schools, preschool classes and kindergartens locally.

Private schools were seen as elitist and reactionary by revolutionaries, and many were assaulted and closed during and after the revolution. Still, many semi-private institutions remain in the country, all of them specialized centers or foreign-language institutions.

Homeschooling, instead, is illegal since the Revolution in order to avoid isolationism and religious fanaticism.

Schooling is mandatory from the 5 years to the 16. The basic literacy rate is approximately 100%.


The Yazminian public healthcare it's operated locally and its coverage it's universal. The State, regions and local councils guarantee the right to health care in all the territory. It's listed by WHO as one of the better in the world. It account the whole attendance by Yazminians for the primary care.

After the Revolution, private hospitals and clinics were prohibited, although some operations listed as secondary such as transgender or abortion were not free inside the public system. In 2011, with social conservatives in power, the State removed the secondary care from the public health system, letting those operations into a liberalized market.

The average life expectancy for 2010 in Yazminia was 82 for men and 83 for women, significantly higher figures than two decades ago.

Yazminia in the Internatia Song Contest