local p = { RD = { 'Quarter-finals', 'Semi-finals', 'Final', 'Third Place' }, bgColor = {head = '#f2f2f2', 'gold', 'silver', '#C96', '#f9f9f9'}, reuseStr = {}, saveStr = function(self, name, ...) if not self.reuseStr[name] then self.reuseStr[name] = table.concat{...} end return self.reuseStr[name] end }
--Provides a convenient naming shortcut up to
Round of 512 | Round of 256 | Round of 128 | Round of 64 | Round of 32 | Round of 16 | Quarter-finals | Semi-finals | Final | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Third Place | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
for columns = 1, 9 do local N = math.pow(2, columns) p['N' .. N] = function(frame) return p.main(frame.args, columns) end p['n' .. N] = p['N' .. N]--to make case insensitive end
--saves memory and avoids errors when using a nil as a table by providing a temporary table; if using nil as false; use 'table(k)' to look up table[k] p.nilAsTab = { __index = function(t, i) return setmetatable({}, setmetatable(p.nilAsTab, {__index = {t = t, i = i}})) end, __newindex = function (pt, pi, v) --store new values in actual table rather than temporary rawset(p.nilAsTab.t, p.nilAsTab.i, {})[p.nilAsTab.i][pi] = v setmetatable(p.nilAsTab.t[p.nilAsTab.i], {__call = p.nilAsTab.__call}) end, __call = function(t, i) return t and rawget(t, i) end } --never assign a value to these or they will stop being empty local infiniteEmpty = setmetatable({}, {__index = setmetatable({}, p.nilAsTab), p.nilAsTab}) -- infiniteEmpty[1][2][3]...[infinity] = {} local callableEmpty = setmetatable({}, p.nilAsTab)
local rowNum, head, m, col, tab, esc = {}, {}, {num = 1, phase = 0, bold = infiniteEmpty}, {}, mw.html.create'table', { bs = require'Module:Escape',--backslash comma = {['(%([^,]*),([^%)]*%))'] = '%1|@!#|%2'},--escape commas in () } local nodeFunc = { scanPattern = function(self, args, step) self.pattern = nil if args[step] then self.pattern, self.nonFunc = string.match([step]), '^node_function{(.-)}(.*)') end if self.pattern then for k, v in pairs(esc.comma) do self.pattern = self.pattern:gsub(k, v) end self.nonFunc = self.nonFunc and self.pattern = mw.text.split(self.pattern, '%s*,%s*') for k, v in ipairs(self.pattern) do local func, arg = string.match(v, '^(%w+)%(?([^%)]*)') if func and self[func] and self[func].main then self.pattern[k] = func if arg then for x, y in pairs(esc.comma) do arg ='%%%d', ), x:match('%)([^%(])%(') or x:gsub('\\', )) end self[func].arg = self[func].arg or {} self[func].arg[m.num] = arg end end end end return self.pattern end, helper = { topBranch = function()--node is top of fork if top is 0 return (m.num - % 2 end, addText = function(text) if text and text ~= then tab.r:wikitext(text) end end }, line = {--this node is omitted and replaced with a line main = function(x) local h = p.getNodeFunc() if m.available then local text, topId, isTop, notTop = h.line.arg[m.num] or , h.topBranch() isTop = topId == 0 notTop = {[isTop and 1 or 0] = p.reuseStr.solid} for k = 0, 1 do tab.r = rowNum[m.r + k * 4]:tag'td' :css(notTop[k] and {[isTop and 'border-top' or 'border-bottom'] = notTop[k]} or {} ) :attr{ rowspan = ({[0] = 4, 2})[k], colspan = p.colspan } h.addText(text or h.nonFunc) text = nil end m.available = false else return nil end return x end }, bridge = {--Draw a line to the neighboring node in the same column that is not connected to the current node main = function(x) local h = p.getNodeFunc() h.bridge.lay[col.c][m.num - + 1 + (h.topBranch() == 1 and 1 or -1)] = true h.addText(nonFunc) return x end, lay = setmetatable({}, p.nilAsTab) }, canvas = {--Merges all cells in node. Content will be the next parameter. main = function(x) local h = p.getNodeFunc() if m.available then tab.r = rowNum[m.r]:tag'td' :attr{ rowspan = 6, colspan = p.colspan } h.addText(h.nonFunc) m.available = false return x else return nil end end }, orphan = {--sets a flag for skipMatch to be set by p._main main = function(x) p.getNodeFunc().orphan.num = m.num return x end }, skipAllowed = {--table of supported node functions when node is skipped (i.e. by skipmatch) bridge = true, canvas = true } }
setmetatable(nodeFunc.helper, {__index = nodeFunc}) function p.getNodeFunc() return nodeFunc.helper end
function newRow(bodyRow) local first = p.flex_tree.merge and mw.clone(p.flex_tree.cell) or p.flex_tree.cell tab.r = tab:tag'tr' :node(first) if bodyRow then table.insert(rowNum, bodyRow, tab.r) if p.flex_tree.merge then rowNum[bodyRow].first = first rowNum[bodyRow].first.unchanged = true end end end
function drawHead(text, row3rd) local td = (row3rd and rowNum[row3rd]:tag'td':attr{rowspan = 2} or head.row:tag'td') :attr{colspan = p.colspan} if text ~= 'omit_label' then td:wikitext(text):css{ ['text-align'] = 'center', border = '1px solid #aaa', background = p.bgColor.head } end end
function spacer(width) tab.r:tag'td' :attr{width = width} :wikitext(p.no_column_head and or ' ') end
function dpBox(v, r) p.dpBoxBase = p.dpBoxBase or mw.html.create'td':attr{rowspan = 2, colspan = p.colspan} if not v then p.dpBoxEmpty = p.dpBoxEmpty or mw.clone(p.dpBoxBase):wikitext(p.flex_tree.wt) rowNum[r]:node(p.dpBoxEmpty) else rowNum[r]:node(mw.clone(p.dpBoxBase):wikitext(v)) end end
p.scoreWasher = { numberFormat = '%-?%d+%.?%d*', main = function (self, s) if s then for _, cycle in ipairs(self.cycles) do s = s:gsub(unpack(cycle)) end if p.scoreSumBox and then local t = 0 for _, part in ipairs(mw.text.split(s, do t = t + (tonumber(part:match('%-?%d+%.?%d*')) or 0) end return t end return tonumber(s:match(self.numberFormat)) or math.huge end return 0 end, spin = function(self, v) table.insert(self, v) return self end, load = function (self, cycle) local wash, rinse = 0, {spin = self.spin} for v in cycle:gfind('%(([^%(%)]-)%)') do if v == '_plus_' then = v rinse:spin(v) cycle = cycle:gsub('%(_plus_%)', , 1) else wash = wash + 1 rinse:spin('%'):spin(wash) end end table.insert(self.cycles, {, '%%'), table.concat(rinse)}) end, init = function(self, setting) self.cycles = {original = setting} for cycle in (setting and or '{<.->} {[^%d]*}'):gfind('{(.-)}') do self:load(cycle) end end, sum = function (clean) local sum = {0, 0} for _, box in ipairs(clean) do for team, score in ipairs(box) do sum[team] = sum[team] + score end end return unpack(math.max(unpack(sum)) == math.huge and {'—', '—'} or sum) end }
function boldWin(s1, s2) return setmetatable( p.bold and s1 ~= s2 and (math[({'min', 'max'})[p.bold]](s1, s2) == s1 and {true} or {[2] = true}) or callableEmpty, p.nilAsTab ) end
function maxSpan(span, start, rows) return math.min(span, math.max(0, rows - start + 1)) end
--in case of templates like RDseed need padding value p.teamBoxPadding = function()
return '.6ex'
end p.teamBoxPadTab = {padding = '0 ' .. p.teamBoxPadding()} p.teamBoxNormal = {border = '1px solid #aaa', background = p.bgColor[4]} function teamBox(v, r, f) if p.flex_tree.merge and not v and f.phase == 2 then for i = -2, 0 do if rowNum[r + i].first.unchanged then rowNum[r + i].first.unchanged = nil rowNum[r + i].first:node(p.unflex_div) end end tab.r:attr{rowspan = 4}:css{['vertical-align'] = 'center'} else if not p.bold then --backwards compatability (wikitemplates bold each arg individually) local hasBold, b = tostring(v):gsub("([^']*)([^']*)", '%1%%s%2') if b == 1 then v = hasBold:format('') end end local cell if f[1] then cell = f.sumBox and f.sumBox[1] and {padding = f.sumBox[1]} or {['border-left'] = f.borderLeft} cell['text-align'] = v and f[1] else cell = p.teamBoxPadTab end tab.r = rowNum[r]:tag'td' :css(p.teamBoxCSS) :css(cell) :attr{rowspan = 2} :node(mw.html.create(f.bold and 'b'):wikitext(v or f[1] and or ' ')) end end
function p._main(args)
function args:clean(key, params)--prevent html comments from breaking named args and reduces repeat concatenation
params = params or {}
local clean = args[key] or params.ifNil
if clean then
params.append = params.append or
clean = mw.text.decode(clean):gsub('<!%-.-%->', ):gsub(params.pattern or '[^%w-;%.]', ) .. params.append
clean = clean ~= params.append and clean or params.ifNil
args[key] = params.keepOld and args[key] or clean
return clean
p.cols = tonumber(args:clean('columns', {pattern = '%D'}))
p.tCols = (tonumber(args:clean('final_RDs_excluded', {pattern = '%D'})) or 0) + p.cols
local matchPer = {
pattern = '%d*per%d+[%-x]%d+',
vals = '(%d*)per(%d+)([%-x])(%d+)'
local skipMatch, unBold = {}, {}--(skip|manualbold)match# to boolean
for k, _ in pairs(args) do
local mType, mNum = string.match(k, '^(%l+)match(%d*)$')
mType, mNum = ({skip = skipMatch, manualbold = unBold})[mType], tonumber(mNum)
if mType then
if mNum then
mType[mNum] = args:clean(k) == 'yes' or args[k] == 'true'
for pattern in args:clean(k, {ifNil = }):gfind(matchPer.pattern) do
local d1, period, op, d2 = pattern:match(matchPer.vals)
d1 = tonumber(d1) or 1
d2 = op == '-' and d2 or (d1 + period * (d2 - 1))
for y = d1, d2, period do
mType[y] = true
for _, x in ipairs(mw.text.split(args[k]:gsub(matchPer.pattern, ):gsub('[;%-%a][;%-%a]+', ';'):match('^;*(.-)[;%-]*$'), ';')) do
x = mw.text.split(x, '-')
for y = tonumber(x[1]) or 1, tonumber(x[2] or x[1]) or 0 do
mType[y] = true
for _, v in ipairs({--more args to boolean
}) do
if args[v] and (p[v] == nil or type(p[v]) == 'boolean') then
p[v] = args:clean(v) == 'yes' or args[v] == 'true'
p.scoreWasher.demo = args.demoWash and tonumber(args:clean('demoWash', {pattern = '%D'}), 10)
p.scoreSumBox = args['score-boxes'] and args['score-boxes']:match('%d ?%+ ?sum')
p.bold = ({low = 1, high = 2})[args:clean('bold_winner')] or p.scoreSumBox and 2
local sumBox = p.scoreSumBox and 1 or 0
p.scoreBoxes = (tonumber(args:clean('score-boxes', {pattern = '%D'})) or 1) + sumBox
p.scoreSumBox = p.scoreBoxes > 0 and p.scoreSumBox or nil
local boxStyle = p.scoreBoxes > 1 and
(p.scoreSumBox and
{{}, [p.scoreBoxes] = {'0 1ex'}},
{__call = function(t, i) if t[i] then return nil end return 0 end}
or setmetatable(
{__call = function() return 0 end}
or setmetatable({}, {__call = function() return nil end})
p.colspan = p.scoreBoxes > 0 and (p.scoreBoxes + 1) or nil
local nodeArgs = {
score = p.scoreBoxes - sumBox,
team = {offset = 1 + p.scoreBoxes - sumBox}
nodeArgs.all = 1 + * 2
nodeArgs.tableSum = {
__add = function(v, t)
if #t == 3 then
return v + nodeArgs.all
local s = v
for i, n in ipairs(t) do
s = s + n
return s--+ (p.scoreSumBox and #t == 3 and -2 or 0) --merging disabled with score boxes, uncomment if enable
}[1] = 1--constant to be replaced later by new param[2] =[1] +
nodeArgs.blank = setmetatable({}, nodeArgs.tableSum)
p.unflex_div = mw.html.create'div'
:css{overflow = 'hidden', height = '1ex'}
:wikitext' '
p.flex_tree = setmetatable({},{__index = {
merge = p.flex_tree and p.scoreBoxes == 0,
wt = p.flex_tree and or ' ',
cell = mw.html.create'td'
:node(not p.flex_tree and p.unflex_div or nil)
if args:clean'scroll_height' then
local fontSize, fontUnit = and'font%-size *: *(%d+)([^ ]+)')
if fontSize then
local units = {
em = 1,
ex = 2,
['%'] = 0.01
fontSize, fontUnit = {fontSize * fontUnit}
:cssText(table.concat{args.scroll_height and 'padding' or 'margin', ':', fontSize and (math.ceil(fontSize * 10) / 10) or '.9', 'em 2em 1em 1em;border:0;', fontSize and or 'font-size:90%;',})
:attr{cellpadding = 0, cellspacing = 0}
if not p.no_column_head then--headings row
head.row = tab.r
:css{['white-space'] = args.scroll_height and 'nowrap'}
tab.r = tab:tag'tr'
local sp = {--set column widths
args['team-width'] or 170,
p.widescore and 40 or 30,
p.short_brackets and 6 or 15,
p.short_brackets and 4 or 20
local scoreWidth = args:clean('score-width', {pattern = '[^%d;]'}) and mw.text.split(args['score-width'], ';') or {}
scoreWidth[1] = tonumber(scoreWidth[1], 10)
if p.scoreSumBox and #scoreWidth ~= 1 then
local _scoreWidth = {}
for k = 1, p.scoreBoxes - 1 do
_scoreWidth[k] = tonumber(scoreWidth[k], 10) or math.ceil(sp[2] * 0.75)
setmetatable(scoreWidth, _scoreWidth)
if p.template or p.article_include then
p.template =
p.templateFixedName = (p.template.namespace == 0 and not p.article_include and 'Template:' or ) .. p.template.fullText
p.template = p.template and'name', {pattern = }))
local head_br = {
count = 0,
compare = function (self, text)
if text and args.scroll_height then
local _, count = text:gsub('<br[ >/]', '%1')
self.count = math.max(self.count, count)
return text
p.branch_upwards = p.branch_upwards and 0
for k = 1, p.cols do
if k > 1 then
if not p.no_column_head then
head.row:tag'td':attr{colspan = 2}
for s = 1, p.scoreBoxes do
spacer(#scoreWidth == 1 and scoreWidth[1] or scoreWidth[s] or sp[2])
if not p.no_column_head then
head.wt = head_br:compare(args:clean('RD' .. k, {pattern = }))
or p.RD[#p.RD + k - p.tCols - 1]
or ('Round of ' .. math.pow(2, p.tCols - k + 1))
k == 1 and p.template and mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{
title = 'tnavbar-header',
args = {head.wt, p.templateFixedName}
} or head.wt
sp.row = tab.r
col.tot = math.pow(2, p.tCols - 1)
local step, bump, bumpBase, rows = 1, 0, mw.html.create'td':attr{colspan = p.colspan}, col.tot * 6--Begin body row output
args.line_px = table.concat{args:clean('line_px') or 3, args.line_px ~= '0' and 'px' or nil}
tab.line = {--reduces concats and 'or' statements
[true] = args.line_px,
[false] = 0
args.line_px:rep(2):gsub('(%a)(%d)', '%1 %2', 1)
p['3rdplace'] = p.tCols == p.cols and (p['3rdplace'] or p.cols > 3 and nil == p['3rdplace'] and not p.no_column_head)
if p['3rdplace'] then
p.textThird = args.Consol or args['RD' .. (p.cols + 1)] or p.RD[4]
local no3rdText = p.no_column_head or p.textThird and p.textThird:match('omit_label')
rowNum.third = math.max(math.pow(2, p.branch_upwards and -3 or p.cols - 2) * 9 + (no3rdText and 4 or 9), no3rdText and 12 or 17, rows)
for r = 1, rowNum.third or rows do
p:saveStr('solid', tab.line[1][true], ' solid')
p.cornerDiv = mw.html.create'div':css{height = tab.line[1][true], ['border-right'] = p.reuseStr.solid}
for c = 1, p.cols do
col.c = c
local bumps = bump
if c > 1 then
col.tot = col.tot + math.pow(2, p.tCols - c)
if p.branch_upwards then
bumps = 0
rowNum[1]:tag'td':attr{rowspan = 4}
rowNum[1]:node(c < p.cols and
mw.clone(bumpBase):attr{rowspan = bump}
or p.no_column_head and p.template and
title = 'tnavbar-header',
args = {, p.templateFixedName}
end = m.num
p.span = p.tCols > c and bump * 2 or p.branch_upwards or math.max((bump - 1) / 2, 2)
col.show3rd = p['3rdplace'] and c == p.tCols and rowNum.third
local colorFinal, bumpMid = p.color and c == p.tCols, p.span > 0 and mw.clone(bumpBase):attr{rowspan = p.span} or nil
for r = 1, col.show3rd or rows, 2 do
m.r = r + bumps
if col.show3rd or rowNum[m.r] and m.num <= col.tot then
if m.phase == 0 then
m.showBox = setmetatable({1,,}, nodeArgs.tableSum)
if nodeFunc:scanPattern(args, step) then
nodeFunc.called = {}
m.available = true
m.available = nil
if skipMatch[m.num] then
if m.phase == 0 then
if nodeFunc.pattern then
for x, y in ipairs(nodeFunc.pattern) do
if nodeFunc.skipAllowed[y] then
nodeFunc.called[y] = nodeFunc[y].main(x)
local canvas = nodeFunc.pattern and nodeFunc.called.canvas and 6
rowNum[m.r + (canvas or 0)]:tag'td':attr{rowspan = maxSpan((canvas and 0 or 6) + bump * 2, m.r + (canvas or 0), rows), colspan = p.colspan}
elseif m.phase == 2 then
if nodeFunc.pattern and (nodeFunc.called.bridge or nodeFunc.called.canvas) then
step = step + 1
m.num = m.num + 1
step = step + (p.omit_blanks and 0 or m.showBox)
bumps = bumps + (col.show3rd and 0 or maxSpan(p.span, m.r, rows))
elseif m.phase == 0 then
if nodeFunc.pattern then
for x, y in ipairs(nodeFunc.pattern) do
if nodeFunc[y] and nodeFunc[y].main then
nodeFunc.called[y] = nodeFunc[y].main(x)
if m.available == false then
m.showBox = nodeArgs.blank
step = step + 1
if m.showBox[1] then
if col.show3rd then
col.show3rd = (m.num - * 2
if col.show3rd == 2 then
if p.textThird:match('omit_label') then
p.textThird = nil
if rowNum[rows + 1] and p.cols > 1 then --if 3rd place extends below bottom cell
rowNum[rows + 1]:tag'td':attr{
rowspan = m.r + 9 - rows - (text and 0 or 2),
colspan = (p.cols - 1) * 4
if p.tCols == 1 then
bumps = p.textThird and 3 or 0
elseif p.branch_upwards then
r = 7
bumps = p.textThird and 2 or 0
m.r = r + bumps
if p.textThird then
drawHead(p.textThird, m.r)
bumps = bumps + 2
m.r = r + bumps
dpBox(nodeFunc.pattern and nodeFunc.nonFunc or args[step], m.r, skipMatch[m.num])
if p.previewnumbers then
p.namespace = p.namespace or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
if p.namespace ~= 0 then
float = 'left',
border = '1px solid red',
padding = '0 .5ex',
['color'] = 'red'
:attr{title = 'Number only visible outside article space (e.g. template) when |numberpreview=yes'}
if p.colspan then
m.nonEmpty = {}
for s = step + 2, step + do
local i = {s, s +}
if args[i[1]] or args[i[2]] then
table.insert(m.nonEmpty, i)
if p.bold and m.showBox[2] and m.showBox[3] and not unBold[m.num] then
m.bold = {
box = {},
clean = {}
local notSummed = not p.scoreSumBox or #m.nonEmpty < 2
for s, i in ipairs(m.nonEmpty) do
m.bold.clean[s] = {p.scoreWasher:main(args[i[1]]), p.scoreWasher:main(args[i[2]])}[s] = notSummed and boldWin(m.bold.clean[s][1], m.bold.clean[s][2]) or callableEmpty
if p.scoreSumBox and m.nonEmpty[2] then
local i = {-step, -step - 1}
table.insert(m.nonEmpty, i)
args[i[1]], args[i[2]] = p.scoreWasher.sum(m.bold.clean)[p.scoreBoxes] = boldWin(args[i[1]], args[i[2]])
getmetatable(boxStyle).__index = p.scoreSumBoxes and {[#m.nonEmpty] = boxStyle[p.scoreBoxes]} =[#m.nonEmpty] or callableEmpty
m.bold = infiniteEmpty
if m.showBox[m.phase] then
p.teamBoxCSS = colorFinal and
{border = p.teamBoxNormal.border, background = p.bgColor[m.phase + (col.show3rd or 0)]}
or p.teamBoxNormal
local f = {phase = m.phase, bold =}
teamBox(args[step +[m.phase]], m.r, f)
f[1] = 'center'
if p.colspan then
if m.nonEmpty[1] then
local loneSum
if #m.nonEmpty < p.scoreBoxes then
loneSum = #m.nonEmpty == 1 and boxStyle[p.scoreBoxes]
tab.r:attr{colspan = 1 + p.scoreBoxes - #m.nonEmpty}
for s, i in ipairs(m.nonEmpty) do
f.borderLeft = boxStyle(s)
f.sumBox = loneSum or boxStyle[s]
f.bold =[s](m.phase)
teamBox(args[i[m.phase]], m.r, f)
for s = 1, p.scoreBoxes do
f.borderLeft = boxStyle(s)
teamBox(nil, m.r, f)
if m.phase == 2 then
col.show3rd = col.show3rd ~= 2 and col.show3rd or nil
if p.scoreWasher.demo and p.scoreWasher.demo == m.num and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace ~= 0 then
table.insert(m.bold.clean, 1, {args[step +[1]], args[step +[2]]})
return table.concat{
'Score data for match specified by |demoWash=
mw.dumpObject{scores = m.bold.clean, cycles = p.scoreWasher.cycles, sum = p.scoreSumBox and {m.nonEmpty[#m.nonEmpty][1], m.nonEmpty[#m.nonEmpty][1]}},
', tostring(sp.row), '', tostring(rowNum[m.r - 4]), '', tostring(rowNum[m.r - 2]), '', tostring(rowNum[m.r]), '',
} end if nodeFunc.orphan.num == m.num then skipMatch[m.num] = 'orphan' end step = step + m.showBox m.num = m.num + 1 if bump > 0 and rowNum[m.r + 2] and not (nodeFunc.pattern and nodeFunc.called.canvas) then bumps = bumps + p.span rowNum[m.r + 2]:node(bumpMid) end r = r + (col.show3rd or bump) end end m.phase = (m.phase + 1) % 3 end end if p.cols > c then--draw lines to next round p.unit = bump + 3 bump = 3 * math.pow(2, c) - 3 bumps = p.branch_upwards and 4 or (p.unit + 1) rowNum[1] :tag'td':attr{rowspan = bumps} if not p.branch_upwards then rowNum[1]:tag'td' :attr{rowspan = (p.branch_upwards or bump) + 4} :css(nodeFunc.bridge.lay[c](0) and {['border-right'] = p.reuseStr.solid} or {} ) end col.n = 0 for r = bumps + 1, rows, p.unit * 2 do tab.r = rowNum[r]:tag'td' local interval = ((r - bumps - 1) / (p.unit * 2)) % 4 if interval % 2 == 0 then --col.t and col.t2 control whether lines are drawn col.t = col.t2 or skipMatch[col.tot + col.n / 2 + 1] and 3 or ((skipMatch[] and 1 or 0) + (skipMatch[ + 1] and 2 or 0)) col.n = col.n + 2 col.t2 = skipMatch[col.tot + col.n / 2 + 1] and 3 or ((skipMatch[ + col.n] and 1 or 0) + (skipMatch[ + col.n + 1] and 2 or 0)) if col.t == 0 then tab.r :attr{rowspan = maxSpan(p.unit * 2, r, rows)} :css(skipMatch[col.tot + col.n / 2] and {} or { border = p.reuseStr.solid, ['border-left'] = 0 }) else tab.r :attr{rowspan = maxSpan(p.unit, r, rows)} :cssText(col.t == 2 and p:saveStr('topRight', 'border-width:', tab.line[2], ' 0 0;border-style:solid') or col.t == 1 and (nodeFunc.bridge.lay[c](col.n - 2) and p:saveStr('right', ';border-right:', p.reuseStr.solid) or 'vertical-align:bottom' ) or nil ) :node(col.t == 1 and interval > 0 and not nodeFunc.bridge.lay[c](col.n - 2) and p.cornerDiv) rowNum[r + (p.branch_upwards and (4 - bump) or p.unit)]:tag'td' :attr{rowspan = maxSpan(p.unit, r + p.unit, rows)} :cssText(col.t == 1 and p:saveStr('bttmRght', 'border-width:0 ', tab.line[2], ' 0;border-style:solid') or col.t == 2 and (nodeFunc.bridge.lay[c](col.n + 2) and p:saveStr('right', ';border-right:', p.reuseStr.solid) or 'vertical-align:top' ) or nil ) :node(col.t == 2 and interval ~= 2 and not nodeFunc.bridge.lay[c](col.n + 2) and p.cornerDiv) end col.t = { col.t < 3, rowNum[r + p.unit * 5] and col.t2 < 3 or false } rowNum[r + (p.branch_upwards or p.unit)]:tag'td' :attr{rowspan = maxSpan(p.unit * 4, r + (p.branch_upwards and (4 - bump) or p.unit), rows)} :css(interval == 0 and (col.t[1] or col.t[2]) and { ['border-width'] = table.concat{tab.line[1][col.t[1]], ' 0 ', tab.line[1][col.t[2]]}, ['border-style'] = 'solid' } or {}) else tab.r :attr{rowspan = maxSpan(p.unit * 2, r, rows)} :css(nodeFunc.bridge.lay[c](col.n) and {['border-right'] = p.reuseStr.solid} or {} ) end end end end local lock_height = (head_br.count or 0) + 1 return args.scroll_height and mw.html.create'div' :cssText'border-bottom:1px solid #eee;display:inline-block' :node(not (p.scroll_head_unlock or p.no_column_head) and mw.html.create'div' :css{ overflow = 'hidden', height = lock_height * 1.4 + 1.6 .. 'em', ['border-bottom'] = 'inherit', ['margin-right'] = '17px' } :node(mw.clone(tab)) ) :tag'div' :css{ ['overflow-y'] = 'scroll', ['max-height'] = tonumber(args.scroll_height, 10) and args.scroll_height .. 'px' or args.scroll_height } :node(not (p.scroll_head_unlock or p.no_column_head) and tab:css{['margin-top'] = math.floor(-10 * (lock_height * 1.4 + 1.6)/(fontSize or .9)) / 10 .. 'em', ['padding-top'] = '-3px'} or tab ) :done() or tab end
--[[local standard = { 'beta' = { bold_winner = 'high', omit_blanks = 'yes', auto_3rd = 'yes' } }--]] function p.main(frame, columns) local args = require'Module:Arguments'.getArgs(frame, {trim = false}) args.columns = args.columns or columns return p._main(args) end
function p.seed(frame) local parent = frame:getParent() or frame function arg(k, alt) return parent.args[k] or frame.args[k] or alt end local padding, width = arg(2, p.teamBoxPadding()), arg(3, arg('widescore') and 40 or 30) padding = tonumber(padding) and tonumber(padding) .. 'px' or padding width = tonumber(width) and tonumber(width) .. 'px' or width return mw.html.create'div' :css{ margin = ('-1px %s -1px -%s'):format(padding, padding), float = 'left', ['background-color'] = p.bgColor.head, border = '1px solid #aaa', ['text-align'] = 'center', width = width } :wikitext(arg(1, ' ')) end
return p