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United Islands of Sunetti
Uniti Isole della Sunetti
Flag of Sunetti
Coat of arms of Sunetti
Coat of arms
and largest city
Official languagesSunettian, English
GovernmentUnitary Parliamentary Republic
• Monarch
King Alex the Great
• Prime Minister
Julius della Olivera
• 2013 estimate
CurrencyValuta (ɣ)
Drives on theright
Calling code207

The United Islands of Sunetti is located in North-Eastern Internatia in between Dornatian Sea and the Elysion Sea. Sunetti's closest neighbours are Alexandria, Carpathia, Saint Eva & Lepland, and Irlandia. There are 9 states in Sunetti.

Sunettians were reported to be one of the oldest living beings in Internatia, and one of the first ancestors of Stelettio, Dornata and Elysion. Modern Sunetti was unified in 1895, after the Sunettian Revolution changed the country for the better and created the idea of a Unitary Parliamentary Republic. Before the Revolution, Sunetti was under a strict communist government as the Democratic People's Republic of United Sunetti.

Today, Sunetti has the most powerful tourism industry in Internatia, serving over 224.13 million tourists annually. Sunetti's primary export is expensive pearls, which can be made into divine and unique goods. Sunetti is a leading architectural force in Internatia, with each building and landscape unique and culturally expressive.


Democratic People's Republic of United Sunetti

Flag of DPR United Sunetti.

The DPR United Sunetti was a communist state that existed between 1795 and 1895. Mario Rusinicco was the DPR's first leader at the age of 18. Rusinicco created the concept of the "Golden Border of Unity". He believed that Sunettians were the most powerful race in the world and his main ambitions were to take control of Internatia. Citizens of DPR United Sunetti were given absolute human and equal rights, including gay rights which was heavily forbidden in most of Internatia at the time. The only exception was the prohibition of negative comments against the communist state. Mario managed to take control of Elysion and Dornata as a part his nation.

After an attempt to overrule the Socialist Democratic Islands of Symphony in 1846, Mario Rusinicco appreciated the laws of equal rights in Symphony Isles. Mario ended up marrying Sanche Bananche, a male Symphonian local, at the age of 69. Mario was never seen again. Reporters believed that he retired his leadership and decided to spend the rest of his life in Symphony Isles. Josipa Titovan became the 2nd leader of DPR United Sunetti from 1847. During her period of power, there were discussions about a possible dissolution of the DPR United Sunetti.

In 1855, Josipa announced that the DPR United Sunetti's economy was stalled and that reorganization was needed. Titovan soon realized that fixing the nation's economy would be nearly impossible without reforming the political and social structure of the Communist nation. After a nuclear threat from the Democratic People's Republic of Jindalea, Josipa ordered all Sunettians living in Dornata and Elysion to return to the main island of Stelletio. Most citizens arrived to Padure by ship, however over 2,500,000 Sunettians remained where they were. The 500,000 Sunettians living in Dornata renamed themselves as Dornata Italiano's, whilst the 2,000,000 Sunettians living in Elysion were recognised as Elysion Rumani's.

Josipa Titovan died in 1894 after an assassination by a Sunettian in protest of the nation's declaration of free speech. Controversy soon began with thousands of people protesting in the streets of Padure for free speech. Nikolai Milosevic became the 3rd leader of DPR United Sunetti in 1895, where he declared a Revolution and dismissed United Sunetti as a Communist state.

Sunettian Revolution


1945 Winterlune Civil War

On the 9th of July 1945, an estimated 1,873,000 Elysion Rumani's were kept prisoners during the Winterlune Civil War in the years 1945 to 1949, some of whom fled to their death. Although these refugees have been classed as political refugees there have been claims that they were also targeted due to their ethnic and cultural identities. Almost 1,000,000 Elysion Rumani's had sided with the attackers from Winterlune which in 1934 had expressed its intent to "fight for the national self-determination of the repressed Elysion Rumani's".

Sunetti and Winterlune have always been in disagreement about the Sun and the Moon. Thus, when a Solar or Lunar eclipse occured, controversy between the two nations would occur, resulting in violence against the citizens of the two nations. The (at the time) newly seated Communist Party of Winterline declared capture of all Elysion Rumani's residing in Winterlune during the day of the 9th of July Solar Eclipse in 1945.

Recently, the country of Winterlune has collapsed and is now replaced by Alexandria. Mr. Jay, the Prime Minister of Alexandria has voided the Winterlunian citizenship of the remaining 520,000 Elysion Rumani's, after a peace treaty agreement with Julius della Olivera.

The 28th of March, 2013 will be a date to remember for all Sunettians, as 520,000 Elysion Rumani's redeem themselves as Sunettian citizens once more.

Flag of Sunetti

A golden border around the flag represents protection for the nation, with a blue background representing the clear waters. There are 9 aligned stars on the flag, each representing the 9 states of Sunetti. The second row of 9 aligned stars represent the growth of each state in unity. These stars surround the emblem of Sunetti.


Flag State Capital Population
Sunettian Sea
Great Margean Reef
Rumani Iubesca 4,390,530
Italiano Affetto 3,722,702
Euphori Prima 2,739,096
Jugosa Padure 1,412,520
Masiendo Palma 1,995,200
Basicci Ora 820,125
Rusinka Putin 112,350
Inglese Allegria 848,600
Altro Partido 992,473


  • Iubesca: The capital. Known for it's ever-growing urban culture.
  • Affetto: Considered to be the brother of Iubesca. Also heading towards urban culture, Affetto is more focused on education and sporting.
  • Padure: Amazing city with rainforests at the base of Mt. Padure. As you reach to the top of the peak (5,369m), you can see how the environment changes immediately. With a low area and a high peak, Mt. Padure is perfect for photo shots, with large waterfalls scattered in the distance.
  • Prima: An island surrounded by two connecting rivers. Off to the coast of the state are the Prima Springs. They consist of large plateau of steam rising from the cracked earth. Prima Springs is a hot tourist spot during the winter, due to the extraordinary blue colour, making the moon look spectacular.
  • Palma: The best beaches in the nation. Soft, white pearls as soft as sand cover this island.
  • Casa Del Papa: Family friendly beach. This island offers several fun activities for the whole family.
  • Putin: Their motto, "You have to see it to believe it" is correct. How they are able to build so much on such a small island amazes everyone.
  • Allegria: Island of water parks. There is so much to see and do, including getting up close and personal with the islands endangered "Jivina", similar to a penguin.
  • Partido: Exclusively 18+. Clubs and activities for the party goers.

Other Related

  • Great Margean Reef: The most colourful reef in all of Internatia.
  • The sun: Sunetti has the healthiest sun rays hitting Internatia. You are able to be outside in the sun all day without getting burnt.
  • Surrounding waters: The water in our nation is shallow. You are able to walk to each island through the water. During the winter, the water freezes, making it great for ice skating.

Largest cities


Sunetti is known for its environmentally friendly values. Bikes can be ridden almost everywhere. This includes riding through the frozen waters to reach other islands during winter. Several boats are available to and from our islands, and even neighbouring countries. If flying is your desire, we have an updated version of the "Wright Flyer III" to ensure safety and enjoyment on your flight. Swimming and walking through our waters is also an option.

Flora & Fauna

The "Grandissimo Falcossi" is the official Fauna of Sunetti.

Sunetti in the Internatia Song Contest

The National Selection for Sunetti is the Festa Della Sunetti, held by the national broadcaster, CSI (Channel of Sunettian Islands).

Edition Singer Song Place Points Semi Points
#02 Nina Zilli "Per Le Strade" 1 93
#03 Elena Risteska "A Moževme" 14 57
#04 Adele "Skyfall" 3 85
#05 Evanescence "My Immortal" 2 102
#06 Lana Jurčević & Luka Nizetić "Prava Ljubav" 14 44
#07 Miligram ft. Kaliopi "Nevinost" 11 67
#08 Nightwish "Meadows of Heaven" 21 48 9 57
#09 Röyksopp ft. Susanne Sundfør "Running to the Sea" 20 58 9 64
#10 Zedd ft. Foxes "Clarity"