Tikata in the Internatia Song Contest 10

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Internatia Song Contest 10
Country {{country data  Tikata|flag/core|name= Tikata|variant=|size=}}
National selection
Selection process Tikovisia
50% Jury
50% Televoting
Selection date(s) 24 February 2013
[[ Tikata in the Internatia Song Contest]]
[[ Tikata in the Internatia Song Contest 9|◄9]] [[ Tikata in the Internatia Song Contest 11|11►]]

Tikata will participate in the Internatia Song Contest 10 in Pixopolis, Bitland, and will select their entry through a televised National Final (Tikovisia), organised by the Tikatan broadcaster RTRT.

Tikovisia 5

On 31 January 2013, RTRT announced that 5 artists will compete in fifth edition of Tikovisia. The winner will be decided by a mix of televoting/SMS voting and jury voting.

Draw Artist Song Votes Place
Juries Viewers Total
1 Mr. President "Coco Jambo"
2 Monika Brodka "Varsovie"
3 Laïs "'t Smidje"
4 Kae Hanazawa "Makenai"
5 Thalia "Mujer Latina"


Song Harlequenia Edoriada San Monique Alexandria Novatlantida Monteverde Irdminia Total
"Coco Jambo"
"'t Smidje"
"Mujer Latina"