Back in around September/October 2013, when ISC 15 was running and it was believed that ISC 16 has had schedule problems, GLTV already decided to run their ISC 21 national final, which consisted of 7 songs. Internatian nations were invited to vote there. Sara Bareilles won after having a huge advantage against every other contestant and also came 2nd in Grolskiric combined vote. Althought this was a national final to ISC 21, GLTV kept delaying Sara Bareilles after she suffered attack in Amsteris after a bomb incident, which was believed to happen due to usual HKJIADH-Amsteris attacks. Finally, the decision to send Sara Bareilles to ISC 26 was confirmed by both GLTV and GrolSat after Sara is much better.
Grolskira is drawn to perform 19th in Semifinal 2 of ISC 26.