List of UTC time offsets
This is a list of the UTC time offsets, showing the difference in hours and minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), from the westernmost (−12:00) to the easternmost (+12:00). It includes countries and regions that observe them during standard time or year round.
UTC-12:00, Y
UTC-11:00, X
- (Amsteris)
- Taltheis
UTC-10:00, W
- (Amsteris)
- (Amsteris)
- (Amsteris)
- Esperanza
- (Kaeros Islands)
- Kvuldøerne
- Lori Islands
UTC-09:00, V
- (Amsteris)
- Grenrisa & Skarthmun
(Saint Eva & Lepland)
UTC-08:00, U
UTC-07:00, T
(Tikata) (Valdron) (Zephyrus)
UTC-06:00, S
(Leshia) (Lost Islands)
(Tikata) (Tikata) (Valdron) (Valdron)
UTC-05:00, R
UTC-04:00, Q
UTC-03:00, P
UTC-02:00, O
UTC-01:00, N
UTC±00:00, Z
UTC+01:00, A
UTC+02:00, B
UTC+03:00, C
UTC+04:00, D
UTC+05:00, E
UTC+06:00, F
- Alexandria
- Alteus
- Atsoumpalia
- Carpathia
- DimkaRUS
- Dvipantara
- Grolskira
- Haven
- Irdminia
- Irlandia
- Kaeros Islands
- Keohretcha
- Leshia
- Nicolas’ Neighbour
- Olaftarian Minnesota
- Pen Island
- St. Eva & Lepland
- St Gustav
- St Lorde
- St Olaf
- Stylé
- Territrius
- Volnytaria
- Yazminia
UTC+07:00, G
- Amsteris
- Anselmsuusonia
- Aonach
- DPR Jindalea
- Evergreen Lands
- Holy Kim Jong Il’s After Death Hangug
- Huania
- Kaministiquia
- Lacrea
- Marvelia
- Men̈́sa
- Ova Anova
- Pebbleland
- Ponásikwa
- Porielana
- Rata Sum
- RC Laranjeiras
- Roseau
- Sockistan
- Tashkveny
- Tjärsklanjska
UTC+08:00, H
- Bubblique
- Caprika
- Chruno
- Edoriada
- Eriod
- Gebze
- Hanzyuki
- Kaledonii
- Kosma
- Lost Islands
- Luzze
- Olomi
- Spirevo
- Spitzenbergen
- Tikata
- Tonallán
- Valdron
- Yutuland
- Zephyrus