List of UTC time offsets

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This is a list of the UTC time offsets, showing the difference in hours and minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), from the westernmost (−12:00) to the easternmost (+12:00). It includes countries and regions that observe them during standard time or year round.

Internatian Standard Time Zones, as of November 2, 2014

UTC-12:00, Y

UTC-11:00, X

UTC-10:00, W

UTC-09:00, V


(Saint Eva & Lepland)

UTC-08:00, U


UTC-07:00, T


(Tikata) (Valdron) (Zephyrus)

UTC-06:00, S

(Leshia) (Lost Islands)

(Tikata) (Tikata) (Valdron) (Valdron)

UTC-05:00, R

UTC-04:00, Q

UTC-03:00, P

UTC-02:00, O

UTC-01:00, N

UTC±00:00, Z

UTC+01:00, A

UTC+02:00, B

UTC+03:00, C

UTC+04:00, D

UTC+05:00, E

UTC+06:00, F

UTC+07:00, G

UTC+08:00, H

UTC+09:00, I

UTC+10:00, K

UTC+11:00, L

UTC+12:00, M