Internatian Free Trade Association

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  • Logo of
    Map of Internatia with IFTA members highlighted in green.
    Map of Internatia with IFTA members highlighted in green.
    SecretariatWoodchester, Saint Eva & Lepland
    Official working languageEnglish
    TypeTrade bloc
    Member states
    • Secretary General
    Támass Granitt
    Establishment23 June 2013
    • Total
    6,677,840 km2 (2,578,330 sq mi)
    • 2015 estimate
    • Density
    56.20/km2 (145.6/sq mi)
    14 currencies
    Kaeros IslandsAerokKIA
    KaledoniiHīra KHR
    Lost IslandsPalunaPl.LIP
    Saint Eva & LeplandDollarLp.LPD
    SunettiValuta ɣcode>SV

    The Internatian Free Trade Association (IFTA) is a free trade organisation between eight Internatian countries. The IFTA was established on 23 May 2013 as a trade bloc.

    IFTA founding members are Aonach, Irdminia, Novatlantida, Saint Eva & Lepland, Spirevo and Tikata. Novatlantida cased to exist in January 2014.

    Haven & San Remo joined IFTA on 1 January 2014, but San Remo later cased to exist.

    Second enlargement took place on 1 August 2014 when Kaeros Islands, Lost Islands, Pebbleland, Valdron joined IFTA.

    Third and most recent enlargement took place on 1 January 2015 when another 4 nations joined IFTA: Bubblique, Kaledonii, Sunetti and Tashkveny.


    Current members

    Flag State Official name Accession Population Area (km²) Capital GDP in millions (PPP) GDP per capita (PPP)
    Aonach Aonach Democratic Republic of Aonach 23 June 2013 14,514,670 450,217 Láirge Unknown Unknown
    Bubblique Bubblique The Princessipality of Bubblique 1 January 2015 5,726,398 375,984 Burbuja 244,370 42,674
    Haven Haven Holy Kingdom of Haven 1 January 2014 10,045,000 94,680 Haven 407,000 40,000
    Irdminia Irdminia Liberal Democracy of Irdminia 23 June 2013 2,193,689 103,327 Skyrim 91,653 41,780
    Kaeros Islands Kaeros Islands The United Isles of Kaeros 1 August 2014 5,370,000 62,002 Wyvernvale Unknown Unknown
    Kaledonii Kaledonii The Democratic Federation of Kaledonii 1 January 2015 21,877,925 111,499 Kāra Unknown Unknown
    Lost Islands Lost Islands The Republic of Lost Islands 1 August 2014 43,400 251 Esonáth 959 22,091
    Pebbleland Pebbleland The Republic of Pebbleland 1 August 2014 38,017,936 3,579,760 Rosetown Unknown Unknown
    Saint Eva & Lepland Saint Eva & Lepland The New Republic of Saint Eva & Lepland 23 June 2013 150,000 21,494 Woodchester 5374 35,826
    Spirevo Spirevo The Federated Kingdom of Spirevo 23 June 2013 38,900,000 142,227 Siegeslinde 3,634,210 45,417
    Sunetti Sunetti The United Islands of Sunetti 1 January 2015 17,033,596 132,458 Iubesca Unknown Unknown
    Tashkveny Tashkveny The Commonwealth of Tashkveny 1 January 2015 157,221,597 684,424 Invertulloch 4,910,000 31,763
    Tikata Tikata The Federal Kingdom of Tikata 23 June 2013 55,493,097 545,236 Madakia 2,058,256 38,715
    Valdron Valdron The Republic of Valdron and Former Sarollea 1 August 2014 2,988,488 371,078 Vuirai Unknown Unknown

    Rotating presidency

    The country holding the Group's presidency changes twice a year, in January and July:

    Period Holder
    2013 Jul-Dec  Saint Eva & Lepland
    2014 Jan–Jun  Irdminia
    Jul-Dec  Aonach
    2015 Jan–Jun  Tikata
    Jul-Dec  Spirevo
    2016 Jan–Jun  Haven


    IFTA leaders summit is attended by the heads of government. The member country holding the IFTA presidency is responsible for organizing and hosting the summit.

    Date Host Location held
    1st 23 June 2013  Saint Eva & Lepland Woodchester
    2nd 17 January 2014  Irdminia Skyrim
    3rd 1 August 2014  Aonach Láirge
    4th 11 January 2015  Tikata Surme

    Secretaries General

    List of Secretaries General
    # Name Country Duration
    1 Joseph Woods  Saint Eva & Lepland 23 June 2013 — 31 December 2014
    2 Támass Granitt  Lost Islands 1 January 2015 —


    First ever enlargement of IFTA took place on 1 January 2014.

    Flag State Official name Population Area (km²) Capital GDP in millions (PPP) GDP per capita (PPP) Status Target date
    Anselmsuusonia Anselmsuusonia The Reym-L-Dneurbic Republic of Anselmsuusonia 1,389,401 10,003 Pensa Unknown Unknown Official candidate TBA 2015
    Edoriada Edoriada The Republic of Edoriada 3,256,000 78,101 Noavoli Unknown Unknown Potential candidate N/A
    Evergreen Lands Evergreen Lands The Evergreen Lands 23,663,411 157,698 Antarille 1,057,801 44,702 Official candidate TBA 2015
    Kosma Kosma The Republic of Kosma 8,545,900 75,516 Luna 319,200 37,550 Negotiating N/A
    Nicolas' Neighbour Nicolas' Neighbour The Princedom of Nicolas' Neighbour 1,938,641 136,815 Baus-Ia 19,196 15,418 Potential candidate N/A
    Ova Anova Ova Anova Ova Anova 205,300 33,165 Nakatonka Unknown Unknown Potential candidate N/A
    Territrius Territrius The Holy Kingdom of Territrius 70,000 9,817 Aquaticia Unknown Unknown Potential candidate N/A
    Tonallán Tonallán The Holy Empire of Tonallán 24,665,211 465,122 Tlahuilco Unknown Unknown Negotiating N/A
    Volnytaria Volnytaria The Republic of Volnytaria 20,600,000 696,553 New Amsterlin Unknown Unknown Potential candidate N/A
      Member states
      Candidates (2):Anselmsuusonia, Evergreen Lands
      Application submitted (2): Kosma, Tonallán
      Recognised by the IFTA as potential candidates which have not yet applied for membership (5): Edoriada, Nicolas' Neighbour, Ova Anova, Territrius, Volnytaria