List of ISO A3 country codes: Difference between revisions

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Juan Lechuga (talk | contribs)
Juan Lechuga (talk | contribs)
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| {{osc|Reino Unido de Sofós}}
| {{osc|Sofós}}

Revision as of 17:41, 9 September 2015

ISO A3 codes

Country ISO A3 Code
 Ahraspen AHR
 Alexandria ALE
 Alma Livre ALM
 Alteus ALT
 Amsteris AMS
 Angellandia ANG
 Anselmsuusonia ANS
 Aonach AON
 Atsoumpalia ATS
 Auspikitan AUS
 Beige BEI
 Bitland BIT
 Brickistan BRI
 Bubblique BUB
 Canedonia CAN
 Caprika CAP
 Carpathia CAR
 Chruno CHR
 Daǔlska DAU
 Dinokratys & Shrikidai DIN
 DPR Jindalea DPR
 Dulcet Ebullience DUL
 Dvipantara DVI
 Edoriada EDO
 Eriod ERI
 Evergreen Lands EVE
 Fervorosia FER
 Fierce FIE
 Gebze GEB
 Green Apple GRE
 Grolskira GRO
 Hanzyuki HAN
 Harlequenia HAR
 Háttųka HAT
 Haven HAV
 H Kim Jong Il's AD Hangug HKJ
 Huania HUA
 Irdminia IRD
 Irlandia IRL
 Kaeros Islands KAE
 Kaledonii KAL
 Kaministiquia KAM
 Karuex and Qargering KAR
 Keohretcha KEO
 Kosma KOS
 Kwonia KWO
 Lacrea LAC
 Leshia LES
 Lettuce LET
 L.M Lažovi LML
 Lost Islands LOS
 Luzze LUZ
 Marvelia MAR
 Men̈́sa MEN
 Monteverde MON
 Mukaltin MUL
 Nicolas' Neighbour NIC
 Nouvelle-Acadie NAC
 Noxus NOX
 Novatlantida NOV
 Oalia OAL
 Ova Anova OVA
 Pebbleland PEB
 Pen Island PEN
 Ponásikwa POA
 Porielana POR
 Puntíkov PUN
 Randomia RAN
 Rata Sum RAT
 RC Laranjeiras RCL
 Rötenrod ROT
 Ruthsina RUT
 Saint Eva & Lepland SEA
 Sanlyona SNL
 San Monique SAN
 San Remo SNR
 Sibinia SIB
 Sockistan SOC
 Spirevo SPI
 Spitzenbergen SPT
 St Olaf STO
 Republic of St. Olaf STO
 Stylé STY
 Sunetti SUN
 Swelatie SWE
 Symphony Isles SYM
 Tashkveny TAS
 Territrius TER
 Thorway THO
 Tikata TIK
 Tjärsklanjska TJA
 Tonallán TON
 Üürnikoise UUR
 Valdron VAL
 Volnytaria VOL
 West Bombo WBO
 Winterlune WIN
 Xara Khanate XAR
 Xhanostania XHA
 Yazminia YAZ
 Yutuland YUT
 Zeme Kūku ZEM
 Zephyrus ZEP

Waiting list countries

Country ISO A3 Code
 Gandhara GAN
 Thorway THO
 V -V- or VVV
 Fierce FIE
 Victoria VIC
 Timivar TIM
 Pönö PON
 Kimmystan KIM
 Republica Libera RLI
 Aurävaan AUR
 Land of Jhe Freeh JHE
 Darkria DAR
 Raingate RAI
 Easterosia EAS
 Trolofloppia TRO
 Ekotruka EKO
 Satoriland SAT
 Cytrus CYT
 Polland POL
 Zelmerlöwia ZER
 Frostfall FRO
 Kilvan League KIL
 Sofós SOF
 Waticania WAT
 DPR Jindalea DPR
 Lost Islands LOS