Ova Anova

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Ova Anova
Flag of
Anthem: La Isla Bonita
Location of Ova Anova in Internatia.
Location of Ova Anova in Internatia.
• Gatoche Conference
16 August, 1988
• Total
33,165 km2 (12,805 sq mi)
• 2012 census

Ova Anova is a landlocked country situated in the southwestern Internatia in the middle Cordvern.


Ova Anova, also known as The Area 41 is a restricted territory. It's a zone of The Anovese Event that took place in 1988 when massive explosion could be heard from thousands of kilometres away. Four countries: Jindalea, Harlequenia, Grolskira and Tashkveny decided to separate the whole surroundings of what is now believed to have been a UFO emergency landing. Inhabitans of Ova Anova consist solely of scientinsts working on secret projects which only feeds the gossips. Anovese people developed a technique enabling them to communicate telepathically - however, if they need to use archaic means of communication, they use a unique blend of Slavic languages.


The origin of the name Ova Anova remains yet unknown.

Political system

Very little is known about the political system of Ova Anova. Foreign policy with other states of Internatia is carried out by The Anovese Council.

National Holiday

Anovese people celebrate Madonna's birthday as their National Holiday. It's also the anniversary of the Gatoche Conference which was held August 16, 1988 in Gatoche, Tashkveny, where current borders of Ova Anova were decided.

Internatia Song Contest

Ova Anova decided to join Internatia Song Contest in its 12th edition, taking place in in Platonia, Novatlantida. The band Muzyka Końca Lata with their song "Nie Ukryjesz Się Przede Mną" is currently competing in the SF 2 of the current edition of the contest.

On 5th June 2013, it was announced that Ova Anova will send Hadise to Internatia Song Contest 13 in Siegeslinde, Spirevo. Four songs - put forward by the artist herself - are in the running for winning the Anovese preselections Our Song For Siegeslinde and having the right to represent the country.