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Outernatia Song Contest 31: Difference between revisions

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Aurora (talk | contribs)
Provisional list of participating countries: because that's not how ties work
Aurora (talk | contribs)
Line 1,733: Line 1,733:

==See also==
== Returning artists ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Artist
! Country
! Previous edition
! Previous country represented
|Delta Goodrem
| {{flagu|Hanzyuki}}
| [[Outernatia Song Contest 14|OSC 14]]
| {{flagu|Raingate}}
| {{flagu|Timivar}}
| [[Outernatia Song Contest 11|OSC 11]]
| {{flagu|Timivar}}
|RAYE (with Jax Jones)
| {{flagu|Il-Bidu}}
| [[Outernatia Song Contest 30|OSC 30]] (with Jonas Blue)
| {{flagu|Arcorar}}
|Ruelle (with Zayde Wølf)
| {{flagu|Grolskira}}
| [[Outernatia Song Contest 26|OSC 26]]
| {{flagu|Harmony}}
{{Outernatia Song Contest}}
{{Outernatia Song Contest}}
[[Category:Outernatia Song Contest]]
[[Category:Outernatia Song Contest]]

Revision as of 14:51, 17 December 2017

Outernatia Song Contest 31
Beat Your Drum
Semi-final date February 2016
Final date February 2016
Host city Arcorar Arakhor, Arcorar
Host broadcaster Arcorar ElfTV (ETV)
Number of entries 31
Debuting   Enot'ebia
Returning   Dulcet Ebullience
Withdrawing   DPR Jindalea
Voting system Each country awards 12, 10, 8–1 points to their 10 favourite songs.
Winning song Vydrja Zagasan Shireet Tamga - Mongol
Outernatia Song Contest
◄30 32►

The Outernatia Song Contest 31 was the 31st edition of the Outernatia Song Contest. It took place in Arakhor, Arcorar, following Arcorar's victory at the 29th edition in Rhea with the song "Hell.o", performed by Lenny. This was the first time the contest took place in Arakhor, although Arakhor has previously hosted the Internatia Song Contest -1 18 and Internatia Song Contest -1 20. The contest consisted of two semi-finals and a final just like the previous editions.

Participating countries

Semi Final 1

Draw Country Artist Song Place Points
1  Hanzyuki Delta Goodrem "The River" 1 75
2  Timivar GJAN "Wild" 6 64
3  Dulcet Ebullience Wanting Qu "You Exist In My Song" 13 48
4  Grolskira Zayde Wølf ft. Ruelle Walk "Walk Through The Fire" 4 69
5  Kimmystan Eva Simons & Sidney Samson "Escape From Love" 10 56
6  Polland Kasia Popowska "Dryfy" 2 71
7  Akráku Tsar B "Myth" 12 50
8  Pinnipedia Jolin Tsai "Wu Niang (Dancing Diva)" 15 30
9  Harmony JP Cooper "September Song" 3 71
10  Kosma Diandra "Light Up The Ice" 7 63
11  Xara Khanate Belinda "En El Amor Hay Que Perdonar" 9 56
12  Alteus Glades "Drive" 8 61
13  Equatoria The Script "Paint the Town Green" 11 52
14  Ivanotia Jack Savoretti "Catapult" 5 65
15  Ponásikwa Danger "1:42" 14 39

Semi Final 2

Draw Country Artist Song Place Points
1  Radamede Miss Montreal "Say Heaven, Say Hell" 6 69
2  Il-Bidu Jax Jones "You Don't Know Me" 10 36
3  Gandhara Nik Qistina "Young Hearts" 4 88
4  Oalia Carpark North "Unbreakable" 1 97
5  Easterosia Meg Myers "Lemon Eyes" 7 68
6  Lost Islands Diana Ross "I'm Coming Out" 12 33
7  Spinachia Camille "COCO" 13 32
8  Pönö Djemte e Vjoses "Serenate 1980" 15 18
9  Raingate LILA ft. Rat City "Don't Let Go" 5 76
10  Auspikitan Valerie "I Wanna Know" 14 27
11  Vydrja Zagasan Shireet Tamga "Mongol" 8 56
12  Enot'ebia The Birthday Massacre "In The Dark" 2 91
13  Kaministiquia Goryachiy Shokolad "Nebo Malo" 9 54
14  Thorway Demi Lovato "Skyscraper" 3 89
15  Limnoupolitana Bradley Sanches "You're a Superstar" 11 36


Draw Country Artist Song Place Points
1  Xara Khanate Belinda "En El Amor Hay Que Perdonar" 4 95
2  Vydrja Zagasan Shireet Tamga "Mongol" 1 101
3  Thorway Demi Lovato "Skyscraper" 3 98
4  Oalia Carpark North "Unbreakable" 6 87
5  Timivar GJAN "Wild" 12 61
6  Alteus Glades "Drive" 20 48
7  Kosma Diandra "Light Up The Ice" 5 93
8  Grolskira Zayde Wølf ft. Ruelle Walk "Walk Through The Fire" 10 70
9  Ivanotia Jack Savoretti "Catapult" 14 58
10  Easterosia Meg Myers "Lemon Eyes" 8 74
11  Raingate LILA ft. Rat City "Don't Let Go" 7 78
12  Gandhara Nik Qistina "Young Hearts" 13 60
13  Enot'ebia The Birthday Massacre "In The Dark" 2 100
14  Arcorar Maria "Game Over" 18 50
15  Auspikitan Valerie "I Wanna Know" 21 20
16  Hanzyuki Delta Goodrem "The River" 9 74
17  Radamede Miss Montreal "Say Heaven, Say Hell" 16 54
18  Kaministiquia Goryachiy Shokolad "Nebo Malo" 17 54
19  Ponásikwa Danger "1:42" 11 70
20  Polland Kasia Popowska "Dryfy" 15 55
21  Harmony JP Cooper "September Song" 19 50


Semi Final 1

Draw Country Place Points Hanzyuki Timivar Dulcet Ebullience Grolskira Kimmystan Polland Akráku Pinnipedia Harmony Kosma Xara Khanate Alteus Equatoria Ivanotia Ponásikwa
1  Hanzyuki 1 75 x 8 12 10 3 6 10 3 7 7 6 3
2  Timivar 6 64 3 x 12 6 7 2 4 8 5 2 5 2 8
3  Dulcet Ebullience 13 48 10 x 4 6 12 12 1 3
4  Grolskira 4 69 2 2 x 3 1 5 5 1 6 5 12 10 10 7
5  Kimmystan 9 56 1 12 1 x 3 12 1 6 6 4 4 6
6  Polland 2 71 8 5 6 7 5 x 10 2 4 12 1 7 4
7  Akráku 12 50 12 8 3 7 x 3 3 5 8 1
8  Pinnipedia 15 30 1 10 3 2 x 4 7 1 2
9  Harmony 2 71 7 8 10 8 4 x 2 10 4 6 12
10  Kosma 7 63 7 2 6 8 10 2 8 x 8 10 2
11  Xara Khanate 9 56 6 1 2 2 12 1 6 7 x 2 5 12
12  Alteus 8 61 10 4 8 4 7 10 4 x 1 3 10
13  Equatoria 11 52 5 4 5 12 3 7 8 3 x 5
14  Ivanotia 5 65 7 3 5 10 4 7 12 5 12 x
15  Ponásikwa 14 39 4 6 1 5 6 1 8 8 x

Semi Final 2

Draw Country Place Points Radamede Il-Bidu Gandhara Oalia Easterosia Lost Islands Spinachia Pönö Raingate Auspikitan Vydrja Enot'ebia Kaministiquia Thorway Limnoupolitana
1  Radamede 6 69 x 8 6 3 8 4 4 10 6 2 3 8 7
2  Il-Bidu 10 36 x 4 3 8 7 3 8 3
3  Gandhara 4 88 4 1 x 12 10 3 8 7 8 7 5 6 12 5
4  Oalia 1 97 10 12 7 x 4 5 6 2 12 4 10 10 7 8
5  Easterosia 7 68 5 3 8 x 7 7 8 7 8 10 5
6  Lost Islands 12 33 12 1 x 5 4 2 5 3 1
7  Spinachia 13 32 2 5 7 1 x 3 4 4 6
8  Pönö 15 18 8 x 1 8 1
9  Raingate 5 76 1 7 1 7 5 1 6 x 10 5 12 7 10 4
10  Auspikitan 14 27 6 4 2 4 1 2 x 1 1 6
11  Vydrja 8 56 2 10 10 10 12 5 x 7
12  Enot'ebia 2 91 8 8 6 6 12 12 3 6 12 x 2 4 12
13  Kaministiquia 9 54 7 6 5 1 6 5 3 6 3 x 2 10
14  Thorway 3 89 12 10 3 10 12 3 5 12 2 6 12 x 2
15  Limnoupolitana 10 36 3 5 2 2 2 2 4 10 1 4 1 x


Draw Country Place Points Vydrja Enot'ebia Thorway Xara Khanate Kosma Oalia Raingate Easterosia Hanzyuki Grolskira Ponásikwa Timivar Ivanotia Polland Gandhara Radamede Kaministiquia Arcorar Harmony Alteus Auspikitan Kimmystan Lost Islands Pinnipedia Spinachia
1  Xara Khanate 4 95 3 12 x 1 3 8 8 8 10 6 10 10 4 7 5
2  Vydrja 1 101 x 4 2 12 12 3 12 7 3 12 1 10 1 12 10
3  Thorway 3 98 1 2 x 1 5 10 10 5 3 10 12 3 3 10 10 10 3
4  Oalia 6 87 8 8 x 12 3 2 3 12 3 4 4 7 4 4 7 4 2
5  Timivar 12 61 5 8 2 4 6 6 x 6 2 2 3 5 2 10
6  Alteus 20 48 1 2 8 7 2 4 4 x 7 6 2 5
7  Kosma 5 93 7 7 8 x 2 6 5 12 6 5 2 12 6 12 3
8  Grolskira 10 70 7 3 2 5 3 x 5 12 3 6 5 12 7
9  Ivanotia 14 58 2 7 7 12 6 8 x 6 8 2
10  Easterosia 8 74 5 5 7 7 6 x 5 4 1 2 5 7 3 8 1 8
11  Raingate 7 78 3 12 4 10 5 x 7 2 8 7 4 1 2 12 1
12  Gandhara 13 60 6 3 12 4 1 7 x 8 8 1 4 6
13  Enot'ebia 2 100 10 x 4 3 6 12 1 8 1 8 7 12 10 6 12
14  Arcorar 18 50 6 4 10 1 3 7 6 6 x 2 5
15  Auspikitan 21 20 2 10 4 1 2 1 x
16  Hanzyuki 9 74 6 1 4 5 4 x 10 4 2 12 10 7 3 6
17  Radamede 16 54 4 8 1 7 5 8 5 x 10 3 3
18  Kaministiquia 17 54 5 6 6 1 1 8 x 7 8 5 7
19  Ponásikwa 11 70 12 10 7 x 5 1 8 8 5 6 4 4
20  Polland 15 55 10 12 3 10 4 2 x 1 1 12
21  Harmony 19 50 8 6 1 10 2 10 5 x 8

Returning artists

Artist Country Previous edition Previous country represented
Delta Goodrem  Hanzyuki OSC 14  Raingate
GJan  Timivar OSC 11  Timivar
RAYE (with Jax Jones)  Il-Bidu OSC 30 (with Jonas Blue)  Arcorar
Ruelle (with Zayde Wølf)  Grolskira OSC 26  Harmony
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