Outernatia Song Contest 40

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Outernatia Song Contest 40
Fly with Me
Host city Auspikitan Olivepolis, Spinachia
Host broadcaster Auspikitan ABC
Number of entries 40
Debuting   Islas Wadonias
Returning   Bitland
 Dulcet Ebullience
Withdrawing   Akráku
Voting system 10 favourites are awarded 12, 10, then 8 through 1 points by all participants.
Winning song  Alteus
"Back to Beautiful"
Outernatia Song Contest
◄39 41►

The Outernatia Song Contest 40 is the 40th edition of the Outernatia Song Contest. The contest takes place in the Suacaerus, Auspikitan, after they won 38th with Gareth Emery's, Standerwick's and HALIENE's song "Saving Light".


Semifinal 1

Draw Country Artist Song Place Points
01  Lost Islands Melanie & The Edwin Hawkins Singers "Lay Down" 18 30
02  Islas Wadonias Cali y El Dandee "La estrategia" 16 41
03  Kosma E-Rotic "Help Me Dr. Dick" 12 51
04  Spinachia Loïc Nottet "Mud Blood" 1 93
05  Gandhara Lucy "Best of Me" 7 63
06  Riya-Sampetrina Renaissance "Carpet of the Sun" 15 42
07  Daǔlska Kostas Martakis "Pote" 10 58
08  Ponásikwa Grey "These Roots" (feat. Stephen) 8 61
09  Saónas Fe Pier Limebridge "Salamandra" 19 24
10  Alteus Sofia Carson "Back to Beautiful" (feat. Alan Walker) 3 86
11  Pönö Eliona Qira "Blue by You" 14 44
12  Huania JJD "Adventure" 2 92
13  Mărium Favorite Blue "Ai Yorimo Hageshiku, Dare Yorimo Itoshiku" 5 70
14  Baabutia Anne Sila "Before It Hurts" 11 52
15  Kernow The 1975 "Robbers" 13 44
16  Thorway Kungs "More Mess" (feat. Olly Murs & Coely) 9 61
17  Bartlett Lorde "Perfect Places" 6 65
18  Shoux Flad Tom Odell "Magnetized (Acoustic)" 17 40
19  Oalia Philip Strand "Friends" 4 85

Semifinal 2

Draw Country Artist Song Place Points
01  Nickymania Maan "Almost Had It All" 20 41
02  Laranjeiras Kate Boy "Lion for Real" 11 46
03  Kimmystan Gryffin "Love in Ruins" (feat. Sinéad Harnett) 3 78
04  Polland UnSun "Whispers" 12 44
05  Levië Cesare Cremonini "Il pagliaccio" 15 35
06  Asankon Little Mix "Power" (feat. Stormzy) 7 57
07  Enot'ebia Icons for Hire "Cynics & Critics" 14 38
08  Pinnipedia Syria "Io te Francesca e Davide" (feat. Ambra Angiolini) 10 47
09  Uubell Folknery "Karchata" 5 63
10  Folkloria Shara "Zuòduì" 4 72
11  Raingate State Champs "All You Are Is History" 18 24
12  Kaministiquia Lost Kings "Quit You" (feat. Tinashe) 9 50
13  Rialwe Shahzoda "Kechalar" 6 58
14  Bitland Michael Cera "Best I Can" (feat. Sharon van Etten) 13 43
15  Unovah Sydney Samson "Better Than Yesterday" (feat. will.i.am) 16 31
16  Grolskira I See MONSTAS "Evolution" 2 83
17  Limnoupolitana MAAN "I'll Find You" 19 67
18  Republica Libera Sia "Rainbow" 17 29
19  Lettuce Olya Polyakova "Nomer odin" 1 87
20  Dulcet Ebullience Candy Benson "Stywer vas" 8 51


Draw Country Artist Song Place Points
01  Ponásikwa Grey "These Roots" (feat. Stephen) 9 83
02  Daǔlska Kostas Martakis "Pote" 10 82
03  Dulcet Ebullience Candy Benson "Stywer vas" 20 61
04  Gandhara Lucy "Best of Me" 6 87
05  Bartlett Lorde "Perfect Places" 18 69
06  Asankon Little Mix "Power" (feat. Stormzy) 14 76
07  Kaministiquia Lost Kings "Quit You" (feat. Tinashe) 17 69
08  Folkloria Shara "Zuòduì" 12 79
09  Mărium Favorite Blue "Ai Yorimo Hageshiku, Dare Yorimo Itoshiku" 2 116
10  Grolskira I See MONSTAS "Evolution" 8 84
11  Lettuce Olya Polyakova "Nomer odin" 16 72
12  Uubell Folknery "Karchata" 4 95
13  Rialwe Shahzoda "Kechalar" 15 75
14  Pinnipedia Syria "Io te Francesca e Davide" (feat. Ambra Angiolini) 23 42
15  Oalia Philip Strand "Friends" 7 87
16  Kimmystan Gryffin "Love in Ruins" (feat. Sinéad Harnett) 19 64
17  Kosma E-Rotic "Help Me Dr. Dick" 11 81
18  Auspikitan (host) Jasmine Thompson "Words" 3 101
19  Huania JJD "Adventure" 5 91
20  Thorway Kungs "More Mess" (feat. Olly Murs & Coely) 21 46
21  Spinachia Loïc Nottet "Mud Blood" 13 77
22  Unovah Sydney Samson "Better Than Yesterday" (feat. will.i.am) 22 45
23  Alteus Sofia Carson "Back to Beautiful" (feat. Alan Walker) 1 117


Semi Final 1

Country Place Total Lost Islands Islas Wadonias Kosma Spinachia Gandhara Riya-Sampetrina Daǔlska Ponásikwa Saónas Fe Pier Alteus Pönö Huania Mărium Baabutia Kernow Thorway Bartlett Shoux Flad Oalia
 Lost Islands 18 30 3 4 12 5 5 1
 Islas Wadonias 16 41 12 2 2 6 8 8 3
 Kosma 12 51 2 1 6 5 5 7 12 12 1
 Spinachia 1 93 5 10 7 3 10 4 4 3 2 8 10 5 12 10
 Gandhara 7 63 4 8 7 1 10 6 3 4 8 7 3 2
 Riya-Sampetrina 15 42 12 4 12 2 7 5
 Daǔlska 10 58 2 6 6 1 8 8 5 10 2 3 7
 Ponásikwa 8 61 2 2 8 2 2 10 2 6 3 6 1 5 12
 Saónas Fe Pier 19 24 7 5 3 2 6 1
 Alteus 3 86 7 7 12 5 12 4 8 7 7 12 5
 Pönö 14 44 6 3 6 8 1 6 10 2 2
 Huania 2 92 8 10 10 3 7 8 12 12 7 4 3 8
 Mărium 5 70 10 8 7 12 4 6 10 12 1
 Baabutia 11 52 3 6 10 6 3 2 4 5 7 6
 Kernow 13 44 5 1 6 4 1 4 1 8 10 4
 Thorway 9 61 12 5 10 4 3 1 12 10 4
 Bartlett 6 65 1 5 12 1 5 3 7 7 1 10 12 1
 Shoux Flad 17 40 4 8 3 8 6 4 7
 Oalia 4 85 3 10 1 4 8 7 6 5 2 2 10 1 3 5 8 4 6

Semi Final 2

Country Place Total Nickymania Laranjeiras Kimmystan Polland Levië Asankon Enot'ebia Pinnipedia Uubell Folkloria Raingate Kaministiquia Rialwe Bitland Unovah Grolskira Limnoupolitana Republica Libera Lettuce Dulcet Ebullience
 Nickymania 20 41 DQ 6 3 7 6 1 3 7 3 5
 Laranjeiras 11 46 12 6 5 1 4 10 1 3 4
 Kimmystan 3 78 1 3 12 5 4 8 12 10 8 7 8
 Polland 12 44 6 12 1 5 2 3 4 4 7
 Levië 15 35 5 12 2 10 3 3
 Asankon 7 57 10 10 4 6 12 7 8
 Enot'ebia 14 38 10 7 5 5 1 6 4
 Pinnipedia 10 47 12 8 7 5 7 3 4 1
 Uubell 5 63 5 1 8 6 6 7 12 12 6
 Folkloria 4 72 4 4 10 8 1 5 7 5 1 8 7 12
 Raingate 18 24 4 8 12
 Kaministiquia 9 50 8 2 10 10 5 2 5 8
 Rialwe 6 58 2 5 5 7 10 3 2 1 4 2 2 12 3
 Bitland 13 43 1 6 12 12 1 6 5
 Unovah 16 31 2 2 3 8 1 10 5
 Grolskira 2 83 3 3 4 2 3 10 4 10 6 6 3 12 7 10
 Limnoupolitana 19 67 8 1 2 8 6 4 10 6 10 DQ 2 10
 Republica Libera 17 29 7 3 7 2 10
 Lettuce 1 87 2 8 4 7 7 12 5 4 8 2 8 6 12 2
 Dulcet Ebullience 8 51 12 7 6 1 4 3 8 2 1 6 1


Country Place Total Ponásikwa Daǔlska Dulcet Ebullience Gandhara Bartlett Asankon Kaministiquia Folkloria Mărium Grolskira Lettuce Uubell Rialwe Pinnipedia Oalia Kimmystan Kosma Auspikitan Huania Thorway Spinachia Alteus Unovah Polland Levië Enot'ebia Bitland Lost Islands Riya-Sampetrina Pönö Shoux Flad
 Ponásikwa 9 83 5 2 6 12 10 5 2 2 7 6 7 2 8 2 7
 Daǔlska 10 82 8 8 8 6 5 1 4 5 7 3 10 12 2 3
 Dulcet Ebullience 20 61 5 5 10 1 2 2 12 12 6 5 1
 Gandhara 6 87 10 10 6 2 7 2 2 4 3 8 2 7 1 6 4 6 3 4
 Bartlett 18 69 6 12 1 6 3 2 8 1 12 10 5 3
 Asankon 14 76 1 6 12 3 3 6 10 3 12 12 1 7
 Kaministiquia 17 69 6 6 5 2 8 4 3 6 3 10 1 7 8
 Folkloria 12 79 12 6 5 8 1 6 8 5 3 10 5 8 2
 Mărium 2 116 1 1 8 4 5 5 12 10 10 3 7 10 2 10 10 12 6
 Grolskira 8 84 7 3 1 6 8 5 2 10 6 12 2 1 6 10 5
 Lettuce 16 72 2 1 3 2 1 10 7 8 6 4 1 8 2 1 4 12
 Uubell 4 95 5 4 10 7 1 12 7 1 2 4 7 1 12 12 10
 Rialwe 15 75 7 4 5 10 2 12 4 2 6 4 4 7 8
 Pinnipedia 23 42 2 3 3 7 1 1 5 8 10 2
 Oalia 7 87 3 10 6 3 7 4 7 10 7 4 4 4 8 10
 Kimmystan 19 64 10 10 8 8 8 6 5 1 4 1 3
 Kosma 11 81 5 4 3 12 10 4 7 12 1 12 6 5
 Auspikitan 3 101 2 12 12 10 3 3 7 3 12 5 5 5 12 3 7
 Huania 5 90 4 4 3 4 4 4 7 8 8 8 8 2 5 3 7 4 7
 Thorway 21 46 7 7 7 12 4 3 6
 Spinachia 13 77 12 4 1 1 10 12 3 6 1 8 1 5 1 12
 Alteus 1 117 12 8 8 8 7 5 2 5 10 6 12 8 5 10 6 5
 Unovah 22 45 2 2 4 7 6 6 3 3 4 8
Country Place Total Ponásikwa Daǔlska Dulcet Ebullience Gandhara Bartlett Asankon Kaministiquia Folkloria Mărium Grolskira Lettuce Uubell Rialwe Pinnipedia Oalia Kimmystan Kosma Auspikitan Huania Thorway Spinachia Alteus Unovah Polland Levië Enot'ebia Bitland Lost Islands Riya-Sampetrina Pönö Shoux Flad

Returning artists

Artist Country Previous edition Previous country represented
Alan Walker (with Sofia Carson)  Alteus OSC 24 (with Iselin Solheim), OSC 35 (with Gavin James)  Kimmystan,  Huania
E-Rotic  Kosma OSC 39  Enot'ebia
Gryffin (with Sinéad Harnett)  Kimmystan OSC 38 (with Illenium & Daya)  Alteus
Kungs (with Coely & Olly Murs)  Thorway OSC 33 (with Cookin' on 3 Burners)  Laranjeiras
Little Mix (with Stormzy)  Asankon OSC 34  Oalia
Loïc Nottet  Spinachia OSC 36  Spinachia
Olly Murs (with Kungs & Coely)  Thorway OSC 8 (with Travie McCoy), OSC 20, OSC 26  Victoria,  Frostfall,  Oalia
Olya Polyakova  Lettuce OSC 13  DimkaRUS
Sia  Republica Libera OSC 10 (with Giorgio Moroder), OSC 21  Laranjeiras,  Republica Libera
Stephen (with Grey)  Ponásikwa OSC 21  Darkria
The 1975  Kernow OSC 13  Waticania