Irdminia in the Internatia Song Contest

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Member stationITVR
Participation summary
First appearanceISC 7
Best result17th: ISC 8, ISC 9
Worst result20th: ISC 7

Irdminia made its debut at the Internatia Song Contest at ISC 7 in Lördsberg, San Monique.


Edition Host City Artist Title Place Points Semi Points
7th San Monique Lördsberg Schiller feat. Anggun "Innocent Lies" 20 31
8th Symphony Isles Violetta Kelly Sweet "Ready For Love" 17 64 4 69
9th Saint Eva & Lepland Woodchester Archive "Bullets" 17 67 12 56
10th Bitland Pixopolis Elliot Minor "Silently"
11th Marvelia Amor Lidia Kopania "Sleep"


Irdminia in Internatia Song Contest 7

On 19th December ITVR announced that the first representative from country would be chosen internally. The next day it was revealed that Schiller and Anggun with the song "Innocent Lies" were chosen to represent Irdminia in the ISC in Lördsberg, San Monique.

Irdminia in Internatia Song Contest 8

On 21th December ITVR announced the next representative from Irdminia would be chosen in a national final called "Irdminia is Ready For Love" where 5 artists present song which title is "Ready For Love". After a hard race it was Kelly Sweet who won and therefore will go to Violetta, Symphony Isles.

Irdminia is Ready For Love
Draw Artist San Monique Sunetti Sibinia Dinokratys & Shrikidai Dulcet Ebullience Saint Eva & Lepland Tonallán Tikata Novatlantida Bitland Total Place
1 Tata Young 7 5 3 7 2 3 5 2 1 2 37 3rd
2 Este 2 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 5 3 23 5th
3 Kelly Sweet 3 3 1 5 5 7 2 7 7 5 45 1st
4 Cascada 5 7 7 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 34 4th
5 India Arie 1 2 2 3 7 5 7 5 2 7 41 2nd

Irdminia in Internatia Song Contest 9

On 13th January ITVR announced that the representative for 9th edition of ISC will be chosen by a new format called "Festvaali Muuzikg se Irdminch" (Festival of Irdminian Music). Each of 6 regions of Irdminia and the independent city of Sakgthatöön will choose their artists and votes of international jury will decide who will go to Woodchester, Saint Eva & Lepland.

Festvaali Muuzikg se Irdminch 01
Draw Region Language Artist Song Dinokratys & Shrikidai Harlequenia Novatlantida Dulcet Ebullience San Monique Mukaltin Marvelia Lost Islands Tonallán Tikata Total Place
1 Avnsartu Finnish Indica "Vuorien Taa" 5 7 2 7 4 3 2 7 5 10 52 3rd
2 Kagnveel English Cinema Bizarre "Escape to the Stars" 3 1 7 5 7 5 5 4 3 1 41 5th
3 Pivikki English Jeanette "Heat of the Summer" 7 4 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 28 7th
4 Sakgthatöön German LaFee "Wer Bin Ich?" 4 5 5 10 3 4 7 1 7 7 53 2nd
5 Uuku English Archive "Bullets" 2 10 10 1 5 7 4 5 10 4 58 1st
6 Vaghnthan English Shanadoo "Think About (The Omen)" 1 3 4 3 1 10 1 10 4 3 40 6th
7 Znchis English Amelia Lily "Shut Up (and Give Me Whatever You Got)" 10 2 1 4 10 1 10 3 2 5 48 4th

Irdminia in Internatia Song Contest 10

On 3rd Ferbruary ITVR announed, that because of the successful previous edition of "Festvaali Muuzikg se Irdminch", representative for the 10th edition will be chosen by the same format. The artists were also announced on the same day. On the 19th Ferbruary, ITVR revealed all the songs which will compete to represent Irdminia in Pixopolis, Bitland.

Festvaali Muuzikg se Irdminch 02
Draw Region Language Artist Song Monteverde Bitland Edoriada San Monique Alexandria San Remo Dinokratys & Shrikidai Tikata Anselmsuusonia Lost Islands Novatlantida Dulcet Ebullience Total Place
1 Avnsartu Swedish Timoteij "Het" 3 4 2 1 10 2 1 10 2 3 2 7 47 6th
2 Kagnveel English Isis Gee "Hidden Treasure" 2 10 3 4 1 7 3 1 7 2 4 10 54 3rd
3 Pivikki English Greta Salóme "In The Silence" 10 5 5 2 5 3 7 3 1 5 3 3 52 5th
4 Sakgthatöön German LaFee "Mitternacht" 5 2 4 7 3 1 2 7 4 10 7 2 54 4th
5 Uuku English Elliot Minor "Silently" 1 7 10 3 4 4 10 5 10 4 10 5 73 1st
6 Vaghnthan English, Spanish David Tavare "Oh La La" 4 1 1 10 2 5 5 2 3 1 1 1 36 7th
7 Znchis English Triinu "Fallen" 7 3 7 5 7 10 4 4 5 7 5 4 68 2nd

Irdminia in Internatia Song Contest 11

On 10th March ITVR announced that after a huge success of a new format, the representative for 11th edition of ISC will be chosen again by "Festvaali Muuzikg se Irdminch" (Festival of Irdminian Music), but unlike the previous editions, now also Irdminian jury will vote. On the same day, the artists chosen by each of 6 regions of Irdminia and the independent city of Sakgthatöön were revealed. 4 days later, full songs were published, from which one will be Irdminian represetative in Marvelia.

Festvaali Muuzikg se Irdminch 03
Draw Region Language Artist Song Lost Islands Dulcet Ebullience San Monique DimkaRUS Monteverde Daǔlska Edoriada San Remo Marvelia Chruno Tikata Novatlantida Irdminia Total Place
1 Avnsartu - Daft Punk "Derezzed"
2 Kagnveel English Miley Cyrus "Who Owns My Heart"
3 Pivikki Russian Slot "2 Voiny"
4 Sakgthatöön English All Time Low "Time Bomb"
5 Uuku English Lidia Kopania "Sleep"
6 Vaghnthan English Negative "In My Heaven"
7 Znchis English Moonbaby "Here We Go"

Voting History

Irdminia has given the most points to...

Rank Country Points
1 Novatlantida Novatlantida 19
2 Sunetti Sunetti 15
3 Rötenrod Rötenrod 12
Saint Eva & Lepland Saint Eva & Lepland 12
5 DimkaRUS DimkaRUS 9

Irdminia has received the most points from...

Rank Country Points
1 Novatlantida Novatlantida 20
2 Oalia Oalia 12
Saint Eva & Lepland Saint Eva & Lepland 12
4 Rötenrod Rötenrod 10
5 Dulcet Ebullience Dulcet Ebullience 6

NOTE: The totals in the above tables include only points awarded in ISC finals, and not the semi-finals since 8th edition.