Grolskira in the Internatia Song Contest

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Member stationGLTV
Participation summary
First appearanceISC 1st
Best result3rd: ISC 5
Worst result22nd SF: ISC 12 SF, ISC 13 SF

Grolskira is one of eight countries that participated in the very first Internatia Song Contest edition and one of four countries that participate in every edition of ISC.

A very brief Grolskiric ISC history

The start (ISC 1 - ISC 3)

Grolskira entered since the very first ISC and they chose Lily Allen to sing in ISC 1 with her song "22". She performed 1st in the show, that meant that she had to perform first ISC entry ever. Grolskiric people expected, that Lily will do well with her ISC entry, while sadly, it came 7th out of 8 participants, but suddenly the disqualification of Tashkveny raised Grolskira by 1 more place and made it 6th out of 8.

In the next edition many countries started competing and Grolskira was trying to not be chanceless. However, ISC theory about famous people is very different that Grolskira thought and they failed hugely for 2 later editions they took part after the first one. Kylie Minogue was chosen to have her own NF for ISC 2 and the winning song of the NF was "Timebomb", and the performance at ISC was very poor. The worser ISC edition proved to be the next one - Inna won the very big Grolskiric national selection with 8 heats in every state and a second chance round. And she performed "Club Rocker", but suddenly during her performance 2 fans of Inna came on stage to have fun with her bra. Inna called security, but they arrived very late from stage. The performance wasn't repeated. And Inna came second last, this time - for real.

First real Top 10 entrance and middle results afterwards (ISC 4 - ISC 7)

After Inna's failure in ISC, Grolskira's national broadcaster GLTV decided to add people's suggestions for their selection to ISC 4. This time it was quite similar to selection for ISC 3, but this time a couple of things changed, including the live vote showing during the Second Chance round. Voltaire won the selection with "So Still" and it was suggested act by Spirevo. Internatian people instantly liked it, but gave it a little low points. Then Spirevo gave them 12 points, mainly because Voltaire are Spirevan, and then they got 12 from Sibinia. Then Grolskira reached their first real Top 10 place - 9th.

The 9th place of Voltaire in ISC 4 made GLTV downsize the NF for ISC 5, and made it consist of only 5 songs, representing different categories. Nolwenn Leroy won it with "Tri Martolod" and went to the ISC 5. Grolskiric people had big ambitions for the song and thought that it could do very well. On ISC 5 results night, it was proved right - Nolwenn Leroy springed into the Top 3 and had been the first and only Top 3 placer for Grolskira. People in Grolskira were extra happy, but also were satisfied with the winner. They showed it by releasing many blue and yellow balloons into the sky after the result show.

Then Grolskira came back to the big selections. Selection for ISC 6 had 6 heats, 4 quarterfinals, 2 semifinals and a 10-song final, which was criticized a lot, because it had too much famous songs. One of them won and it was Marina And The Diamonds with "Primadonna". This song didn't did very badly at ISC, but next Grolskiric selection for ISC was consisting of few songs in different languages. Girls' Generation with their song "Paparazzi" won the selection. Grolskiric people didn't accepted this choice very warmly, but Girls' Generation surprisingly managed to bring Grolskira better than 20th place and Grolskiric people were satisfied with it.

The start of semifinals and 3 qualifications (ISC 8 - ISC 11)

Since semifinals began, Grolskira were trying to send the songs that people could like and make them qualify. National final for ISC 8 was consisting of only 3 songs in 3 different languages. Vlatko Lozanoski with "Nema Den, Nema Nokj" won it, but then received some negative reactions, because that was "one of the worst songs of Vlatko" and that saddened Grolskiric people. That was truly confirmed after the semi results show - Grolskira didn't qualify in the first edition with semis.

The Grolskiric hopes refreshed the next edition. A national final for ISC 9 required the people's votes for the first round and 5 songs out of 6 qualified for the second round, where Kelly Clarkson with "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" won. It was criticized a little, because Spirevo suspected the "pointwhoring" in the Grolskiric entry. But Grolskira did qualified that edition and their people were very very happy with it. They held some posters, saying "Eat your heart out, Spirevo!" and "WE DID IT" somewhere near the Dlimon city square. But the final result made everybody frown and they were willing that the next edition will be fine.

Next edition Grolskira celebrated their 10 editions jubilee in ISC and GLTV decided to remember the songs, that participated in past national finals by hosting a selection, which had the songs, that tried to represent Grolskira before, but never did it. Venus and their "Restos Del Ayer" won the ticket to ISC 10. And they previously tried to do it in the first Grolskiric selection for ISC and the fourth one. The odds for Grolskira seemed not to be good, probably because there were none of them in the semifinal. But for some occassions, Grolskira managed to qualify and placed dissapointingly there. But that was quite expected from the Grolskiric people.

GLTV decided to hold Melodi Grand Prix-type of national final for ISC 11, which was won by Arlissa and her "Sticks & Stones". Grolskira did qualify for a third consecutive time and that made Grolskiric people more happier and they really hopes for a good place, but they ended somewhere in the lower part of the scoreboard.

The "critical condition" era (ISC 12 - ISC 16)

After the ISC 11 GLTV didn't really thought, that a long row of non qualifications for Grolskira could happen. Bastille won the preselection of Grolskira for ISC 12 with "Pompeii" and Grolskiric people had high ambitions for it. They hoped for finally a win, since the song has been considered as a popular one. But didn't realise, that Internatia don't like hugely famous songs and they almost came last in semi. They could've been last if not the disqualification of Karuex & Qargering and Yazminia in the same semifinal. That made Grolskiric entrants be higher by 2 places.

Poor result made GLTV think of a withdrawal or a national final of two singers only. They chose the latter variant, because they wanted to participate in every ISC somehow. It was won by Bryn Christopher and his song "Smilin'". People were appreciating that Internatian countries are going to vote Grolskira in ISC 13. However, Grolskira almost ended last in semi again, this time HKJIADH was disqualified in Grolskira's semi. And that result made GLTV think that public national finals attract people's attention and the winners of them can qualify to the finals. Grolskiric national final for ISC 14 was won by CC and her "Rock'N'Roll Girl" and that made some people not satisfied, because it was almost sure that they won't qualify again. And that was proved right - Grolskira didn't qualify for the 3rd edition in a row.

A selection for ISC 15 was a little bit big, and the national final had 12 songs. Saint Lu won with "Don't Miss Your Own Life" and hoped for a win, because they thought that they can host ISC 17. But that happened that their hopes were crushed - Grolskira just missed out a qualification and came 14th in the semi.

Grolskira went back to selecting a song for one artist and they confirmed, that Biplan will go to ISC 16. After a NF of 5 songs of theirs was held, the winning song, "O Mes Prie Jūros", was chosen, but sadly, Grolskiric high hopes were crushed again, for the 5th time in a row - Grolskira didn't qualify again. And once again, Grolskira came 14th in semi.


Edition Country of origin Artist Language Title Translation Place Points Semi Points
#1 Spirevo Slavidonova United Kingdom UK Lily Allen English "22" - 6 32
#2 Spirevo Zinzolin Australia Australia Kylie Minogue English "Timebomb" - 20 33
#3 Territrius Aquaticia Romania Romania Inna English "Club Rocker" - 22 26
#4 Sunetti Affetto Germany Germany Voltaire German "So Still" So quiet 9 61
#5 Sibinia Meijar France France Nolwenn Leroy Breton "Tri Martolod" Three sailors 3 97
#6 Kosma Luna United Kingdom UK Marina and the Diamonds English "Primadonna" - 13 45
#7 San Monique Lördsberg South Korea South Korea Girls' Generation Korean, English "Paparazzi" - 18 38
#8 Symphony Isles Violetta North Macedonia FYR Macedonia Vlatko Lozanoski Macedonian "Nema Den, Nema Nokj" No day, no night X X 14 40
#9 Saint Eva & Lepland Woodchester United States USA Kelly Clarkson English "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" - 23 49 12 58
#10 Bitland Pixopolis Spain Spain Venus Spanish "Restos Del Ayer" Remains of yesterday 23 44 TBA TBA
#11 Marvelia Amor United Kingdom UK Arlissa English "Sticks & Stones" - 14 72 8 61
#12 Novatlantida Platonia United Kingdom UK Bastille English "Pompeii" - X X 22 15
#13 Spirevo Siegeslinde United Kingdom UK Bryn Christopher English "Smilin'" - X X 22 24
#14 Luzze Lovendalen Australia Australia CC Martini English "Rock'N'Roll Girl" - X X 18 30
#15 Tikata Tramandi Austria Austria Saint Lu English "Don't Miss Your Own Life" - X X 14 53
#16 Anselmsuusonia Pensa Lithuania Lithuania Biplan Lithuanian "O Mes Prie Jūros" We're going to the sea X X 14 47
#17 Yazminia Liechgrado Netherlands The Netherlands Miss Montreal English "Wish I Could" -
#18 Kosma Astrée New Zealand New Zealand Brooke Fraser English "Something In The Water" -
#21 United States USA Sara Bareilles English "Love Song" -

Grolskiric representatives gallery

Lily Allen
Lily Allen
Lily Allen  
Kylie Minogue
Kylie Minogue
Kylie Minogue  
Nolwenn Leroy
Nolwenn Leroy
Nolwenn Leroy  
Marina and the Diamonds
Marina And The Diamonds
Marina And The Diamonds  
Girls' Generation
Girls' Generation
Girls' Generation  
Vlatko Lozanoski
Vlatko Lozanoski
Vlatko Lozanoski  
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson  
Bryn Christopher
Bryn Christopher
Bryn Christopher  
Saint Lu
Saint Lu
Saint Lu  
Miss Montreal
Miss Montreal
Miss Montreal  
Brooke Fraser
Brooke Fraser
Brooke Fraser  

Voting History

Grolskira has given the most points to...

Rank Country Points
1  San Monique 58
2  Tonallán 48
3  DPR Jindalea 47
4  Kosma 46
5  Sibinia 40

Grolskira has received the most points from...

Rank Country Points
1  DPR Jindalea 45
2  San Monique 44
3  Sibinia 33
4  Symphony Isles 28
5  Dulcet Ebullience 23

NOTE: The totals in the above tables include only points awarded in finals, not semi-finals